The final episode of the first season of Pushing Buttons is here and boy is it a doozy! Join Joe and Mark for a mammoth conversation about all things Star Wars - the films, the games, the tv shows and more! You can expect disagreements, rankings and some Christmas present openings!
Don't forget to go for MVL (Most Valuable Listener) by telling 5 people about the podcast and letting us know about it! You'll get a personalised jingle out of it...
Hope you enjoy listening and don't forget to follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram as well as sending in any questions, opinions, feedback and general comments to pushingbuttonspod@gmail.com. Leave us a review if you enjoy the podcast!
Make sure to check out our YouTube channel where we post all of the podcast episodes and we upload gameplay and game reviews!
Twitter: @PBPodcastUK
Instagram: @pushingbuttonspod