If Someone Wants to Go from Dad Bod to Fit at 40, What Are the First 7 Steps They Should Take?
If someone wants to go from dad bod to fit at 40, what are the first 7 steps they should take?
#1 - Lift weights. (1:08)
#2 - Eat ONLY real food. (6:11)
#3 - Eat protein first. (8:20)
#4 - Eat veggies second for every meal. (13:18)
#5 - Get consistent sleep. (16:37)
#6 - Check hormones. (19:38)
#7 - Ignore scale and mirror, focus on health and performance. (23:25)
Questions (Diet, Training, & Lifestyle):
How do I build a simple meal plan that helps me lose fat without feeling like I’m starving all the time? (26:06)
Do I need to completely cut out beer and junk food, or is there a way to enjoy them in moderation? (29:32)
What’s the best workout plan for someone in their 40s who hasn’t exercised regularly in years? (32:50)
How often should I train each week to lose fat and build muscle without overdoing it? (34:31)
Should I be lifting heavy weights at 40, or is it safer to stick with bodyweight exercises? (36:06)
I feel stiff and sore after workouts. How can I improve my recovery and flexibility at this age? (38:28)
How do I stay consistent with my fitness goals when work and family responsibilities take up most of my time? (40:29)
What’s the best way to involve my family in this fitness journey so I don’t feel like I’m doing it alone? (43:29)
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