In the next three episodes, I look at different ways we might respond and choose to experience suffering we encounter in our lives. ·There are a few guiding texts which I'll use for my discussions over these shows: primarily Viktor Frankl's Man's Search for Meaning; Shakespeare’s Macbeth; Bessel Van De Kolk’s The Body Keeps the Score, Brene Browne’s lecture series, The Power of Vulnerability, Aldous Huxley's Brave New World; comments by the German Philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche on this theme, and the Bible's Book of Job.
This episode looks at the the tactic of avoiding suffering: ways that we attempt to dissociate from, or numb ourselves out to, the suffering in our lives.
If you have questions or comments about content from this episode, please send feedback to theheartandtheheadpodcast@gmail.com