HP Lovecraft wrote one play that never made it to the stage. Here we present it in audio drama form. Featuring
Robert Price as RINARTO Richard Wilson as ALFREDO. Andrew Goldfarb as TEOBALDO The Slow Poisoner (aka Andrew Goldfarb) is a one-man surreal rock 'n' roll band based out of San Francisco. He publishes Freaky Magazine. Bill Green as MAURICIO, a Cardinal Sam Orndorff as OLERO Allen Schuler as MARCELLO Eric Roper as GONZAGO, father of HYPATIA. Amanda Wilson as MARGARITA, Daughter of OLERO Laura Sullivan as AMALIA Laura Sullivan is returning to stage acting since high school. She has been in such plays as The Importance of Being Earnest, A Midsummer Night's Dream, and Doctor Jeckyll, No Place To Hyde. She has written a play, Dragon Attack, she hopes to have produced. Amanda Hardin as BEATRIZ, Young woman of the court. Laura Griffin as CARLOTA Laura Griffin is an Army Veteran who enjoys many varied hobbies, including birding, gardening, singing, playing piano, composing, woodworking, antique furniture restoration, sewing, and historical costuming. She also enjoys homeschooling her innovative and artistic 13-year-old son, Kai. Shelly Turner as DOROTEA. Shelly Turner has performed at Madrigal feasts for many years. She is the acquirer of tomes for the podcast and others. Mary Andrews as ELENA, Young woman of the court Denise Andrews as HYPATIA, daughter to MARCELLO Kimberly Sandage as HECATISSA Kimberly Sandage is a Kentucky artist living in Columbus, Ohio. Written by H.P. Lovecraft Directed by Mark Griffin and Katie Tyson Sound design by Katie Tyson Lute music by Laura Griffin Other sound elements and music from pixabay.com
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Questions and comments can be directed to mark@lovecraftpod.com, david@lovecraftpod.com, or richard@lovecraftpod.com.
In association with www.lovecraftpod.com and the Logan County Speculative Fiction Group, with help from the Logan County Public Library.