In this episode Grant and Austin are visited by special guest and creator of AgnosticUI, Rob Levin. Rob shares the story behind AgnosticUI, how it got started, why the world needs it, and some interesting bits into how it all works. We also discuss some more general topics around design systems, CSS, open source, accessibility and more. He is a great guy with a very interesting project, and we think you should check it out.
- AgnosticUI - https://www.agnosticui.com/
- Blog - https://developtodesign.com/
- A11y Dialog - https://a11y-dialog.ne
- Rob’s Illustration Work - https://roblevin.myportfolio.com/work
Shout outs:
- Rob - Vuetensils, Traversy Media's CSS Grid Layout Crash Course
- Grant - Feit Electric smart power strip (also their whole line of other smart bulbs are great)
- Austin - Raised by Wolves Season 2