Devin and Sarah head to American Fork to interview Cousin Dave and his wife Tricia. After having some ice cream and peaches, the Andersens sat down for the podcast at their kitchen table.
Devin learns that Dave is named after an uncle and and grand uncle, who Dave's cousins are his same age, and his cousin number.
We learn about his education, his mission, and his profession, as well as how he and Tricia met and got engaged.
Devin then asks David 3 thought provoking questions before moving on to memories that Dave has of our extended family. Devin then shares many funny and interesting attributes, memories, and stories of Dave that he collected from Dave's mother and siblings. Whether crashing president Clinton's campaign speech, meeting Presidents Hinckley and Monson at Grandpa's funeral, embarrassing his sisters at home and at school, nearly crashing his car with his brother in Texas, teaching kids "the worst english word" on his mission, or standing up for what was right in law school, This episode is chalk full of fantastic stories.
For the final topic, Dave chose to discuss religious freedom and the constitution. Devin did some death bed repentance and crammed in as much knowledge on the subject as he could before the episode began. They discuss The origins of The Bill of Rights and the constitution, the importance of religious freedom and how it allowed an environment for the restoration of the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ, as well as important historical and even current events that portray how religious freedom has been, and still is, attacked today.
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