This is the recorded audio from our 4th Annual Fighting the Darkness Panel Discussion. It is far past time we started talking about mental health and suicide in open and honest discussions without the fear and stigma attached. Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the US affecting people of all ages. It is currently the second leading cause of death for ages 25-34 and the third leading cause for ages 15-24. In an effort to create more awareness and fight the stigma associated with suicide the entire month of September is Suicide Prevention Month. It is our goal to raise awareness about suicide prevention and the path to recovery with Fighting the Darkness - an art exhibition and panel discussion event in our community.
I want to give a huge shout of thanks to everyone who helped make this event a success, especially those who joined me on this year’s panel:
Larry Grawey who served as moderator. Morgan Pickering who provided the perspective of both a first responder as well as suicide attempt survivor. April Bailye who was able to share her experiences as a therapist/crisis counselor. Tina Spellman, who in not only a former guest on this podcast but also provided the perspective for the church as both a pastor) and principle at a school local private Christian school. Vicki Damico who shared her experiences as a suicide loss survivor and I was provided my own perspective by sharing my experiences as a suicide attempt survivor. Also want to be sure to thank the ever amazing Robert Grawey for his quick turn around on the audio so I could get the podcast episode out the next day (which is our usually scheduled episode).
If you have questions, would like more information about the Green Phoenix or if you'd like to join me as a guest on a future episode please don't hesitate to shoot me an email.
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