After breaking the law, Shaun suffered tremendous consequences. As a result, he lost family, friends, fortunate and freedom. Shaun feels fortunate that he was able to come back from his fall from grace. He shares the following nuggets of life wisdom:
- life is about the culture that you choose to live
- failure is only an event
- there's nothing we can't overcome
- we set our own limits
- you can accomplish anything
- you can come back from failure
- look for success in everyday
- ask ourselves: what have we done that's right?
- be absolute in boundaries
tags: Shaun Hayes, Best Selling Author, The Gray Choice, Speaker, Entrepreneur, Felon, story, stories, that, empower, empowering, empowerment, inspire, inspiring, inspiration, encourage, encouraging, encouragement, hope, light, podcast, Sean, https://storiesthatempower.com