Coming in right under the wire, we've got August 2022's NEWS YOU CAN USE!
NERVOUS SYSTEM WITH DRAMAMINE by David Greenspan (The Offending Adam): https://theoffendingadam.com
"Announcing the winners of the 2022 Poetry Society of America Chapbook Fellowships" https://poetrysociety.org/about/news/announcing-the-winners-of-the-2022-poetry-society-of-america-chapbook-fellowships
MINESWEEPER by Judge Munson (Diagram): https://thediagram.com/contest.html
LICHT by Dan Kraines (Seven Kitchens Press): https://sevenkitchenspress.com/robin-becker-chapbook-series/dan-kraines-licht/
VISITING HER IN QUEENS IS MORE ENLIGHTENING THAN A MONTH IN A MONASTERY IN TIBET by Michael Mark (Rattle): https://www.rattle.com/chapbooks/c2022/
GHOST APPLES by Grace MacNair (Inch, Bull City Press) forthcoming: https://bullcitypress.com/product-category/inch/
Tiny Fork Chapbook Series, The Hunger: https://www.thehungerjournal.com/tiny-fork-chapbooks
TPQ20 The Poetry Question: https://thepoetryquestion.com/category/tpq20/
Of Poetry Podcast: https://ofpoetrypodcast.wordpress.com
Breaking Form: a Poetry and Culture Podcast: https://breakingformpod.buzzsprout.com
Thank you for listening to The Chapbook!
Noah Stetzer is on Twitter @dcNoah
Ross White is on Twitter @rosswhite
You can find all our episodes and contact us with your chapbook questions and suggestions here: https://bullcitypress.com/the-chapbook/
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