This week, I'm sitting down with American Cheese to share music and discuss future plans for their band Josh's Recs: End Up in the Garbage, Eefnoise: eefnoise.bandcamp.com/album/pretender Miramax, Richie Galvan: richiegalvan.bandcamp.com/track/miramax AC's Recs: I Hate My Friends, Superbike: officialsuperbike.bandcamp.com/album/demolition-tape Burnout Junkie, American Cheese: americancheesegr.bandcamp.com/album/extra-cheese Socials: American Cheese's socials: @americancheeseband on Instagram and @CheeseofUSA on Twitter! Be sure to follow us @campscoutspod on Twitter and Instagram! Josh @jwfreeman_ on Twitter and Instagram Artwork by @madisonn_rrose on Twitter and Instagram Don't forget to sign up for our newsletter! eepurl.com/h2KPob