Are you worried about gaining weight while you're pregnant? This listen is for you! I go over the details of WHAT your weight is representing and what GOOD GOALS are during this period. We chat about understanding body composition, focusing on health over weight, and setting realistic goals. Today I provide practical tips for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including nutrition and exercise recommendations, particularly strength training, to support the health of you and your baby!
00:00 Introduction to Fitness for Pregnancy
03:20 Understanding Weight Gain During Pregnancy
10:09 The Importance of Body Composition
14:59 Health Over Weight: Redefining Pregnancy Goals
19:21 Nutrient Density and Meal Planning
24:37 Strength Training and Muscle Gain During Pregnancy
30:17 Practical Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy
Janelle Ahrens
+ Certified Pre and Postnatal Fitness Specialist
+ Fat loss specialist
+ Personal trainer
+ Nutritionist for busy women
PHASEmpowerment Website: www.phasempowerment.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/janelle.fatlosscoach/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PHASEmpowerment/
Juice Plus (my whole foods capsules, also used this as my prenatal): https://janelleahrens.juiceplus.com/us/en