As African American men, how do we live with the legacy of Jim Crow racial etiquette?” I sat down with Dr. Gregory Ellison, Rev. Marvin Bailey and Min. Tavares Stephens to talk about the place of racial etiquette in our current lives and how that legacy has been passed on from generation to generation.
- P&G Commercial “The Talk” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdV2f4jH5YQ
- Dr. Gregory Ellison: http://www.fearlessdialogues.com and http://gregoryellisonii.com
- Min. Tavares Stephens - http://tavaresstephens.com
- Emory Die-In: Emory: http://candler.emory.edu/news/releases/2014/12/students-lead-protest.html, AJC: http://www.myajc.com/news/die-emory-protest-underground/3V9Yi8r25jfFi9leMWjGkI/#ze_5STbRStu812xIOv8Fhg
#createtension #jimcrow #myblackisbeautiful #thetalk #blm #blacklivesmatter #history #racialetiquette #emory
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