This week we read a phenomenal piece from a Substack called The Living Fossils, by the writer Rob Kurzban. Looking at the title - you might think this is just about the current crisis going on in the Middle East; but that's really not it: It's about a wider view of the role of 'identity' (or, as I think of it, 'side loyalty') vs something like a sincere desire to see actions (especially actions we would universally decry) judged on their own terms.
The podcast will delve into some great territory as we go along: From searching for the meaning of life, to understanding propaganda, mind control, and freedom - we're on that voyage for Self - after being in a cult, or extremist group of some kind.
And yes - without question, learning about what makes the world of social media tick is part of the process.
(*A note on a comment I make before the piece: when I said "almost no one over 30 uses the term 'woke' " - what I meant was no one *under* 30)
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