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If you're a mom who's overstimulated by her kids, it can be easy to focus on the negative because it is HARD! It can feel even more difficult when your kids' needs feel so at odds with your own. Indeed, it can lead to major miscommunications and make it difficult to give and receive love and affection in a way that actually feels loving for BOTH of you.
Today's episode includes a story about Katie and her son and the shift she made from feeling at odds with her son to feeling connected.
You too can experience a shift in gratitude and connection when you see the GOOD in these differences & neurodiversity. What's the silver lining when, for example, your kid thrives with novelty, noise, and movement... and you don't?
We all know gratitude is good for us, but sometimes the difficulties seem insurmountable. Let's practice that gratitude shift together, even as overwhelmed moms.
Listen along, and you'll walk away with 5 Reasons that having so many different sensory needs under one roof can actually be a blessing.
- What are your reasons? I'd love to hear on Instagram @sensationalmoms.
- Learn more about self-regulation and kids (and keeping it simple) on the episode titled "Teaching Kids Self-Regulation" podcast and this blog.
- More about the benefits of gratitude here.
- Read the episode blog here.
This podcast is not meant as medical advice or a substitute for any medical advice. Please contact your health professional with any mental health or physical health questions or concerns.