Air humping, butt cracks, questionable breakfast foods, alligator wrestling, glasses of "shut-the-hell-up", Bob Barker's fast hands (thanks Chuck Norris), and - what we feel - is an unforgivable and uninvestigated PR strategist's ploy to ruin a man's life for golf ratings. Happy Gilmore was the cornerstone of immature comedy for young folks in school halls and playgrounds the world over. The number of quotes from this movie that we still say every year is.. not zero. We've all taken a running start at our ball with the "Happy Gilmore" golf swing at one point or another, and when mini putt gets the best of us, we know "it's all in the hips" and that we should "just taaap it in". This is Adam Sandler's best comedic work for which we have "endless love" - and I'll jersey and sock anyone who tries to say otherwise.
Head to your "Happy Place" and give this one a listen... ya' jackass!