In this thought-provoking episode, Martha dives deep into the world of hyper fixation and its unique role in the ADHD experience. While hyper fixation is often mistaken for hyper-focus, Martha unpacks how these two concepts differ. Through relatable, real-life examples—like her food, drink, and hobby fixations—she illustrates how hyper fixation can provide a comforting routine or become an intense interest without always leading to the time blindness often associated with hyper-focus.
If you’ve ever wondered why certain snacks, drinks, or interests become your daily must-have, Martha’s insights may provide answers. She also touches on the potential risks of hyper fixation and why it’s so common in ADHD brains. Tune in for a down-to-earth discussion and an invitation to share your own experiences with hyper fixation.
Find Martha on social media @marthahoffmancoaching to join the conversation!