We’ve been very fortunate to make it this long without needing an overnight hospital stay for any of our kids . . . until this month. Baby had some super nasty croupy breathing and we were grateful to get him the care he needed.
It took some firm conversations to follow my momma instinct to leave the hospital when we did and although not in need of breathing treatments, baby was still plenty sick and could have easily taken a turn for the worse.
I did everything I could to support his recovery at home and thankfully he was down to just some lingering congestion within a couple of days.
Please note I am NOT a medical professional, just a mom who hates having sick kids! I’ve been fascinated with finding everything I can do to mitigate sickness and here are some of my favorites!
Book your call with me now through November HERE
Show notes and links: www.plantbasedsupermom.com/72