Welcome to the Pour Over podcast, join us as we “Pour Over” our thoughts on TV and talk our highs and lows in the coffee-brewing world. This week we catch up after a very eventful week and talk about pour over techniques and decolonizing our coffee.
//Coffee Talk//
Oxford Coffee Company - Mexican Finca La Estancia
Onyx Coffee Lab - Hario V60 Brewguide
Pour Over - Osmotic Flow Vs Full Saturation - The Real Sprometheus
Coffee Mysteries | What's Brewing Below The Bloom? - Ray Murakawa
Melodrip Coffee Tools
//The Pour Over//
- Parable of the Sower - Octavia E. Butler
- Decolonising Coffee Through Flavour - James Hoffmann
- Brew Guides Cxffee Black Filter - Onyx Coffee Lab
- Platypus Coffee Roasters
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