Five thought leaders break the silence on the role of human overpopulation in ecological overshoot –with an informed, engaging conversation about the subject. This is what intelligent discourse sounds like. For thirty years, many people – some well-intentioned – have been trying to silence discourse about human overpopulation. One of our goals on the GrowthBusters podcast is to break that silence, and this episode does that well by bringing together three great thinkers – actually five, educators and crusaders on the subject. The occasion was a visit to Colorado by Nandita Bajaj, executive director of Population Balance and co-host of The Overpopulation Podcast. Nandita designed & teaches the first graduate course on Pronatalism & Overpopulation: The Personal, Cultural, and Global Implications of Having a Child at the Institute for Humane Education at Antioch University. As a bonus, we were joined by her hosts from the University of Denver, Paul Sutton and Sarah Bexell. Sarah leads DU’s Center for Sustainability and teaches at the Institute for Humane Education. Paul is Professor in the Department. of Geography & the Environment, and teaches geographic statistics, population geography, and ecological economics. The conversation covers a lot of ground – pronatalism, animal rights, human rights, and collaboration. LINKS: Pronatalism & Overpopulation: The Personal, Cultural, and Global Implications of Having a Child -Nandita’s course at Antioch University https://www.populationbalance.org/pronatalism-and-overpopulation-course Abortion Bans Are a Natural Outgrowth of Coercive Pronatalism – by Nandita Bajaj, in Ms. magazine https://msmagazine.com/2022/06/07/abortion-bans-coercive-pronatalism-forced-birth/ Dismissal of “Population Alarmism” is Rooted in Pronatalist Ideology – by Nandita Bajaj https://www.indepthnews.net/index.php/opinion/5709-dismissal-of-population-alarmism-is-rooted-in-pronatalist-ideology Challenging Pronatalism Is Key to Advancing Reproductive Rights and a Sustainable Population – by Nandita Bajaj and Kirsten Stade https://www.whp-journals.co.uk/JPS/article/view/819 Coercive Pro-Birth Policies Have Devastating Impacts on People and the Planet – in Newsweek, by Nandita Bajaj and Kirsten Stade https://www.newsweek.com/too-much-good-thing-pronatalism-killing-earth-opinion-1784197 Population Balance https://www.populationbalance.org/ The Overpopulation Podcast https://www.populationbalance.org/podcasts Countdown - by Alan Weisman https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17332183-countdown Mechai Viraveidya https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mechai_Viravaidya Overpopulation Facts - The Problem No One Will Discuss - Alexandra Paul’s TedX talk https://youtu.be/fNxctzyNxC0 Population Media Center https://www.populationmedia.org/ The Green Growth Delusion – 1st installment of new series, Green Tinted Glasses – by Christopher Ketcham https://www.truthdig.com/dig/green-tinted-glasses/ MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: Join the GrowthBusters online community https://growthbusters.groups.io/ GrowthBusters: Hooked on Growth – free on YouTube https://youtu.be/_w0LiBsVFBo Give Us Feedback: Record a voice message for us to play on the podcast: 719-402-1400Send an email to podcast at growthbusters.org The GrowthBusters theme song was written and produced by Jake Fader and sung by Carlos Jones. https://www.fadermusicandsound.com/ https://carlosjones.com/ On the GrowthBusters podcast, we come to terms with the limits to growth, explore the joy of sustainable living, and provide a recovery program from our society’s growth addiction (economic/consumption and population). This podcast is part of the GrowthBusters project to raise awareness of overshoot and end our culture’s obsession with, and pursuit of, growth. Dave Gardner directed the documentary GrowthBusters: Hooked on Growth, which Stanford Biologist Paul Ehrlich declared “could be the most important film ever made.” Co-host, and self-described "energy nerd," Stephanie Gardner has degrees in Environmental Studies and Environmental Law & Policy. Join the conversation on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/GrowthBustersPodcast/ Make a donation to support this non-profit project. https://www.growthbusters.org/donate/ Archive of GrowthBusters podcast episodes http://www.growthbusters.org/podcast/ Subscribe to GrowthBusters email updates https://lp.constantcontact.com/su/umptf6w/signup Explore the issues at http://www.growthbusters.org View the GrowthBusters channel on YouTube Follow the podcast so you don't miss an episode: