SPOILER-FILLED DISCUSSION: Join me and my cohosts this week as we enter the dimension of "Evil Tonight"! Play as Silvia, a medium extraordinaire (who is also a small or an extra small sometimes), trying to cleanse an abandoned performing arts school of a mysterious evil spirit. Unravel the mystery as you kill monsters, solve puzzles, and protect some unexpected company.
DYA Games - https://dyagames.com/
Alberto Vilchez - https://www.deviantart.com/albertov
Peter Reid Jones - https://x.com/peterreidjones
Michaela Nachtigall - https://x.com/mklachu
Jayson Napolitano - https://x.com/Jayson_N
Game Maps - https://www.patreon.com/posts/evil-tonight-114390491
Game Maps w/ Notes - https://www.patreon.com/posts/evil-tonight-w-114834806