**Trigger warning: I talk about the death of my pet**
This episode is named with all the loving kindness there is because these are MY excuses!
I've been meditating FOR YEARS and have recently taken extra training so I can teach it even better.
AND YET, we all have the same excuses as to why we don't do these things.
Even though Meditating is one of the easiest, cheapest and most incredible mental health tools there are.
Here to get us all out of our own ways I give you 5 excuses that just really don't wash.
In the episode I talk about:
- my Love Notes Membership on substack, which you can find here: https://hannahharveyuk.substack.com/
- The Love Notes Reset - 7 Days of Calm is here.
- The URL to get 1 months FREE access to Love Notes so you can do the Reset for free - 7 Days of Calm is here: https://hannahharveyuk.substack.com/valentines
- This link will expire on 13th Fab 2026 so even if you're listening to this later in the year, you can still use it. Valentines pressies keep giving 🫶
- The Meditation training I did was with Jambo Dragon, find him here: https://jds.jambodragon.com/
- My book is How to Divorce Sober here
- The episode with Josie Baxter is here: 18 - JB on healthy, fitness and public heartbreak