This episode was inspired by a comment on our viral shrimp clip. Shoutout @bekahsunday who correctly guessed Alana was an Aquarius - this one for you girl. We have astrology expert and singer/songwriter Lianna Townsley joining us this week! Lianna breaks down Jesse and Alana’s charts, what they’re both like in relationships, and how their charts interact with one another and inform their relationship with each other. This is a special episode where Jesse and Alana bond live on camera for all of your consumption in a totally non-creepy or exploitative way.
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Subscribe on Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/3wkYfJqQy50A1ED8gGA89b?si=9989cc5f9f6941b7
Follow Jesse on Instagram @jessezand
Follow Alana on Instagram @alanacloudrobinson
Follow Izzy on Instagram @astreetcarnamedesire
Produced by Keida Mascaro