Throughout Britt’s recent journey with growing and birthing a human into this world, she’s been shown the true power of the body and all that it is capable of. In today’s solo Britt shares her varying perspectives on physical health from food to cravings, body image, and nourishing the body with loving compassion. While she comes to this solo from mostly a pregnancy lens, however, she feels the information is still relevant to anyone’s wellness journey, pregnant or not.
“Proper nutrition is a lifeline. And with nutrition also comes proper supplementation and ensuring you are feeding your individual body with the specific nutrients your individual body needs. What we consume is vital and becoming conscious of what we consume is so life giving. I’m going to specifically be referencing food today, but consumption also comes in the form of toxins, news, media, relationships, words, etc.”
This solo episode covers a variety of topics including:
· Observing the health of the female body
· Pregnancy cravings, nutrition, and supplementation
· Nutrition for overall female health
· Intrinsic cravings vs. extrinsic wants
· The role presence plays in connecting to your body
· Listening to the body’s cues
· A bio-individual viewpoint to health
· Developing a loving relationship with your body
“I feel the entirety of my experiences in this department provided such an important lesson on staying present enough to listen to the cues we are being given. I wasn’t eating much meat going into pregnancy, got pregnant and suddenly needed meat – would have killed for meat a couple times, literally. It was a primal urge, a signal from my body, not mental at all. Completely different. Cravings and our ways of eating often get so blurred as we try to understand what our bodies vs. our minds are communicating to us.”
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