
  • Ep 25 - Procrastination...

    Procrastination is characterized by delaying work on a task that requires completion. Frequent procrastination could negatively affect your personal, school, or work lives.

    Identifying what type of procrastinator, you are is the beginning step in changing your behavior. Here are some types of procrastination. Do you identify with any of these?

    • Perfectionist: Has high standards and fear of not meeting expectations and puts off work because they fear they won't do it correctly
    • Dreamer: Has big goals but no plan for success
    • Worrier: Fears change, has worst-case scenario thinking, and resists risk-taking
    • Defier: Promise-maker with poor follow-through and many excuses or reasonings for not doing the task
    • Crisis-maker: May unintentionally or intentionally create chaos at the last minute to delay work
    • Over-doer: Has unrealistic expectations of what can be achieved and lacks priority-setting abilities

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  • Ep - 24 Letting Go

    How do you let go?

    Holding on to the past can be a conscious decision just like letting go and moving forward can be a conscious decision. One thing that connects us all is our ability to feel and have emotions. What separates us though, is how we deal with that feeling and emotion.

    One of the best ways to "let go" is to learn lessons from the situation and use those to focus on growth and forward momentum. If we get caught up in thinking about what “should have been,” we can become stuck.

    To let go, you need to make the conscious decision to take control of the situation. This can take time and you may need professional help and know that that's okay. Be kind to yourself as your work to refocusing how you see the situation and celebrate the small victories as you grow and let go.

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  • Ep - 23 Words are Powerful


    When you start blending your beliefs and your words together, they become so powerful you can move mountains. You are the creator of your destiny, and it starts with the words you speak into your life.

    Words cannot change reality, but they can change how people perceive reality. You must speak your dreams into existence. And more than just speaking them, you must BELIEVE and TRUST those blessings are coming.

    Every time you speak negative over your life, your life gets a little more negative… Every time you speak strength into your life your life gets a little stronger.

    • Instead of saying: “I don’t know how to do it”
    • Say: “I am committed to LEARN how to do it”
    • Instead of saying: “My best days are behind me”
    • Say: “My best is yet to come!”

    Instead of believing others are born lucky or with special gifts, KNOW that you are capable of anything. Know that you can study and commit to learn from great people and KNOW that you can become a great person in your own right.

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  • Ep 22 - Nothing is Wasted

    Nothing in your life has been wasted.

    Every joy or disappointment, every setback or gain, every person that did you right or wrong, and every experience has been a part of creating who you have become today.

     Even in nature, nothing is wasted. Everything is recycled.

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  • Ep 21 - Know your worth

    Do you know your worth?

    When we don't, we can find ourselves settling for less than we deserve, felling unworthy, and being unhappy. Knowing your worth is very important and vital to living a life of happiness, abundance, and freedom.

    To know your worth is to know who you TRULY are! It is to know that you are worthy of respect, love, care, trust, honesty, and value. It is to know who and what you truly are and deserve beyond a society conditioned mind and what other people may think.

    Worthiness is your own measure of your own value. Knowing your worth is not related to how other people view you, and it has nothing to do with seeking validation outside of yourself. 

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  • Ep 20 In your life for a season and a reason

    People Come Into Your Life for a Reason, a Season, or a Lifetime

    • A Reason: People who enter our lives for a reason appear for a short period and then disappear. They often help us through difficult times, supporting us emotionally, physically, and spiritually. People who enter our lives this way may seem like a godsend. They provide us with guidance until their work is complete. When the time to move on arrives, they will walk away from our lives.
    • A Season: People who enter our lives for a season help us through a particular period. These friends laugh with us in elementary school or help us get over a crush in college. They come and go based on our life stages. We embrace their friendship but know it won’t last a lifetime.
    • A Lifetime: People who enter our lives for a lifetime teach us a lifetime of lessons. We accept their knowledge and support no matter how old we become. These people show up to our funerals and weep for their loss. They carry the best stories about us as we do about them. 

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  • Ep 19 - What in the "Pickleball" is going on?

    I'm sure by now most of you have heard about this new sport that seems to be sweeping America. It's called PICKLEBALL!

    Around fifty-seven years ago, three fathers vacationing on an island near Seattle faced a predicament. Their kids were bored, and they needed a summertime activity to keep them entertained. So, dads Joel Pritchard, Bill Bell and Barney McCallum got creative. They used the items at their disposal, including some ping pong paddles, an old badminton court and a perforated plastic ball, and invented a new game for their kids to play. And voilà, pickleball was born!

    The pickleball craze has been fueled by a few factors.

    It’s fun and social, and the rules are easy for beginners to learn. Players can pick up the sport quicker and is fairly inexpensive.

    Most apparel is comfortable and all you really need is just sneakers, comfortable clothing, a perforated plastic ball and wooden or composite paddles that are about twice the size of ping pong paddles. The small court means little running around. This has made the sport especially popular with older players whose stiff backs or aching knees make it harder for them to scramble around larger tennis courts.

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  • Ep 18 - Are there Aliens living among us?

    There are so many billions of stars out there in the universe that there must be all sorts of different forms of life. Are they like you and me? Maybe not.”
    There are thousands and thousands of reported UFO sightings and just to name and remember some of America’s closest encounter reports of the third kind:

    • Many of the best known alien claims come from Project Blue Book, the name for the US government program tasked with investigating reports of UFOs from 1948 to 1969.
    • The town of Roswell in New Mexico became shorthand for alien encounters in 1947 after reports that a flying object crash-landed in a field.
    • How about Area 51? Long thought to be the location where the US government stores and hides alien bodies and UFOs, the mysteriously named location in Nevada has been the focus of alien conspiracies for decades.

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