• A New Kick at Friendship: Matias's Road to Recovery

  • 2025/03/06
  • 再生時間: 16 分
  • ポッドキャスト

A New Kick at Friendship: Matias's Road to Recovery

  • サマリー

  • Fluent Fiction - Portuguese 🇵🇹: A New Kick at Friendship: Matias's Road to Recovery Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/pt/episode/2025-03-06-23-34-01-pt Story Transcript:Pt: Na Escola Secundária São Vicente, os corredores enchiam-se de vida com o som das vozes dos alunos.En: At Escola Secundária São Vicente, the hallways filled with life with the sound of the students' voices.Pt: Era início da primavera, e o aroma das flores entrava pelas janelas abertas das salas de aula.En: It was the beginning of spring, and the aroma of flowers entered through the open classroom windows.Pt: Matias, um estudante dedicado, sentia-se frustrado.En: Matias, a dedicated student, felt frustrated.Pt: Seu tornozelo torcido não o deixava jogar futebol, a sua paixão.En: His sprained ankle wouldn't allow him to play soccer, his passion.Pt: A escola tinha regras rígidas sobre recuperação de lesões, e Matias estava proibido de praticar.En: The school had strict rules about injury recovery, and Matias was prohibited from practicing.Pt: No entanto, a ideia de perder o torneio de futebol, onde haveria olheiros, deixava-o inquieto.En: However, the idea of missing the soccer tournament, where scouts would be present, made him restless.Pt: Ele olhava a cada dia para o campo através da janela, ansioso por voltar.En: He looked at the field every day through the window, eager to return.Pt: Luisa, sua amiga próxima, percebia a sua angústia.En: Luisa, his close friend, noticed his anguish.Pt: Sempre preocupada com os outros, Luisa sabia que precisava ajudar Matias.En: Always concerned about others, Luisa knew she needed to help Matias.Pt: Mas estava dividida.En: But she was torn.Pt: Queria que ele descansasse, mas também compreendia o desejo de Matias de voltar ao campo.En: She wanted him to rest, but she also understood Matias's desire to return to the field.Pt: Secretamente, também guardava por ele um carinho especial, algo mais do que amizade.En: Secretly, she also harbored a special affection for him, more than just friendship.Pt: Rui, por outro lado, via a lesão de Matias como uma oportunidade.En: Rui, on the other hand, saw Matias's injury as an opportunity.Pt: Pensou que, sem Matias, ele poderia brilhar no campo.En: He thought that, without Matias, he could shine on the field.Pt: Não fazia questão de esconder a competitividade.En: He didn't mind showing his competitiveness.Pt: Ainda assim, sentia um respeito silencioso por Matias.En: Even so, he felt silent respect for Matias.Pt: Certa noite, Matias decidiu que era hora de agir.En: One night, Matias decided it was time to act.Pt: Quando o campus estava deserto, moveu-se, cautelosamente, rumo ao campo de futebol.En: When the campus was deserted, he cautiously moved toward the soccer field.Pt: O chão ainda estava marcado pelo inverno, mas já havia sinais de verde brotando, simbolizando novos começos.En: The ground was still marked by winter, but there were already signs of green sprouting, symbolizing new beginnings.Pt: Com o pé enfaixado, Matias tentou dar uns chutes na bola.En: With his foot bandaged, Matias tried to take a few kicks at the ball.Pt: Mas a dor rapidamente o lembrou do seu estado.En: But the pain quickly reminded him of his condition.Pt: Enquanto lutava com a realidade da sua condição, ouviu uma voz suave atrás dele.En: As he struggled with the reality of his situation, he heard a gentle voice behind him.Pt: "Matias, não!"En: "Matias, no!"Pt: Era Luisa.En: It was Luisa.Pt: Ela tinha seguido Matias, preocupada com o que ele pudesse fazer.En: She had followed Matias, worried about what he might do.Pt: "Pensa no futuro.En: "Think about the future.Pt: Se te magoares mais, poderás não jogar nunca mais."En: If you hurt yourself more, you might never play again."Pt: Ele hesitou, olhando para Luisa.En: He hesitated, looking at Luisa.Pt: Havia algo no brilho dos seus olhos que transmitia cuidado genuíno.En: There was something in the gleam of her eyes that conveyed genuine care.Pt: Matias respirou fundo, escutando-a.En: Matias took a deep breath, listening to her.Pt: "Precisas curar-te," continuou ela.En: "You need to heal yourself," she continued.Pt: "Faz isso ao menos por mim."En: "Do it at least for me."Pt: Com relutância, Matias assentiu.En: With reluctance, Matias nodded.Pt: Sabia que Luisa estava certa.En: He knew Luisa was right.Pt: O caminho à frente exigia paciência.En: The road ahead demanded patience.Pt: Nos dias que seguiram, Matias concentrou-se na recuperação, com Luisa sempre por perto para dar apoio.En: In the days that followed, Matias focused on recovery, with Luisa always nearby to offer support.Pt: Rui, vendo a dedicação de Matias, sentiu uma mudança interior.En: Rui, seeing Matias's dedication, felt an internal change.Pt: Abordou Matias um dia, agora com um olhar diferente.En: He approached Matias one day, now with a different look.Pt: "Eu respeito a tua coragem," disse...
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Fluent Fiction - Portuguese 🇵🇹: A New Kick at Friendship: Matias's Road to Recovery Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/pt/episode/2025-03-06-23-34-01-pt Story Transcript:Pt: Na Escola Secundária São Vicente, os corredores enchiam-se de vida com o som das vozes dos alunos.En: At Escola Secundária São Vicente, the hallways filled with life with the sound of the students' voices.Pt: Era início da primavera, e o aroma das flores entrava pelas janelas abertas das salas de aula.En: It was the beginning of spring, and the aroma of flowers entered through the open classroom windows.Pt: Matias, um estudante dedicado, sentia-se frustrado.En: Matias, a dedicated student, felt frustrated.Pt: Seu tornozelo torcido não o deixava jogar futebol, a sua paixão.En: His sprained ankle wouldn't allow him to play soccer, his passion.Pt: A escola tinha regras rígidas sobre recuperação de lesões, e Matias estava proibido de praticar.En: The school had strict rules about injury recovery, and Matias was prohibited from practicing.Pt: No entanto, a ideia de perder o torneio de futebol, onde haveria olheiros, deixava-o inquieto.En: However, the idea of missing the soccer tournament, where scouts would be present, made him restless.Pt: Ele olhava a cada dia para o campo através da janela, ansioso por voltar.En: He looked at the field every day through the window, eager to return.Pt: Luisa, sua amiga próxima, percebia a sua angústia.En: Luisa, his close friend, noticed his anguish.Pt: Sempre preocupada com os outros, Luisa sabia que precisava ajudar Matias.En: Always concerned about others, Luisa knew she needed to help Matias.Pt: Mas estava dividida.En: But she was torn.Pt: Queria que ele descansasse, mas também compreendia o desejo de Matias de voltar ao campo.En: She wanted him to rest, but she also understood Matias's desire to return to the field.Pt: Secretamente, também guardava por ele um carinho especial, algo mais do que amizade.En: Secretly, she also harbored a special affection for him, more than just friendship.Pt: Rui, por outro lado, via a lesão de Matias como uma oportunidade.En: Rui, on the other hand, saw Matias's injury as an opportunity.Pt: Pensou que, sem Matias, ele poderia brilhar no campo.En: He thought that, without Matias, he could shine on the field.Pt: Não fazia questão de esconder a competitividade.En: He didn't mind showing his competitiveness.Pt: Ainda assim, sentia um respeito silencioso por Matias.En: Even so, he felt silent respect for Matias.Pt: Certa noite, Matias decidiu que era hora de agir.En: One night, Matias decided it was time to act.Pt: Quando o campus estava deserto, moveu-se, cautelosamente, rumo ao campo de futebol.En: When the campus was deserted, he cautiously moved toward the soccer field.Pt: O chão ainda estava marcado pelo inverno, mas já havia sinais de verde brotando, simbolizando novos começos.En: The ground was still marked by winter, but there were already signs of green sprouting, symbolizing new beginnings.Pt: Com o pé enfaixado, Matias tentou dar uns chutes na bola.En: With his foot bandaged, Matias tried to take a few kicks at the ball.Pt: Mas a dor rapidamente o lembrou do seu estado.En: But the pain quickly reminded him of his condition.Pt: Enquanto lutava com a realidade da sua condição, ouviu uma voz suave atrás dele.En: As he struggled with the reality of his situation, he heard a gentle voice behind him.Pt: "Matias, não!"En: "Matias, no!"Pt: Era Luisa.En: It was Luisa.Pt: Ela tinha seguido Matias, preocupada com o que ele pudesse fazer.En: She had followed Matias, worried about what he might do.Pt: "Pensa no futuro.En: "Think about the future.Pt: Se te magoares mais, poderás não jogar nunca mais."En: If you hurt yourself more, you might never play again."Pt: Ele hesitou, olhando para Luisa.En: He hesitated, looking at Luisa.Pt: Havia algo no brilho dos seus olhos que transmitia cuidado genuíno.En: There was something in the gleam of her eyes that conveyed genuine care.Pt: Matias respirou fundo, escutando-a.En: Matias took a deep breath, listening to her.Pt: "Precisas curar-te," continuou ela.En: "You need to heal yourself," she continued.Pt: "Faz isso ao menos por mim."En: "Do it at least for me."Pt: Com relutância, Matias assentiu.En: With reluctance, Matias nodded.Pt: Sabia que Luisa estava certa.En: He knew Luisa was right.Pt: O caminho à frente exigia paciência.En: The road ahead demanded patience.Pt: Nos dias que seguiram, Matias concentrou-se na recuperação, com Luisa sempre por perto para dar apoio.En: In the days that followed, Matias focused on recovery, with Luisa always nearby to offer support.Pt: Rui, vendo a dedicação de Matias, sentiu uma mudança interior.En: Rui, seeing Matias's dedication, felt an internal change.Pt: Abordou Matias um dia, agora com um olhar diferente.En: He approached Matias one day, now with a different look.Pt: "Eu respeito a tua coragem," disse...

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