Don't miss the latest episode of the Denise Ilitch Show, featuring an inspiring interview with Dr. Herman Gray. This compelling conversation is a must-listen for anyone interested in healthcare, social progress, and the future of pediatrics.
Dr. Gray, Chair of the Wayne State School of Medicine and a renowned pediatrician, shares his remarkable journey and insights. He discusses his proudest accomplishment - serving as President of the Children's Hospital - a position his father, also a doctor, couldn't even dream of due to racial barriers. This powerful story showcases the incredible strides made in just one generation.
In this enlightening discussion, Dr. Gray reveals why he chose to work with children, describing it as his true calling. He delves into the crucial importance of partnering with parents, sharing anecdotes from years of experience and addressing common parental concerns.
Denise Ilitch, an owner of Ilitch Family Companies and President of Ilitch Enterprises,
has been a part of Detroit’s business and philanthropic community for over 40 years.
As a mother, lawyer, entrepreneur, devoted community servant and tireless advocate
for women and children, she learned early, from her father, that everyone is worthy of contributing to the world. Her passion for affordable, accessible, quality education
stems from her own experience as a first-generation student, earning a bachelor’s
degree from the University of Michigan, where she currently serves on the Board of
Regents, and a law degree from the University of Detroit Law School. FOLLOW
DENISE @thedeniseilitchshow