Have you ever experienced an Incredible occurrence in your life that not only saved your life,– but changed the your life Forever? 🌊🔥🌅🙏🏼 Take a listen to this Powerful Conversation I had with my guest speaker, Alimasi McDavid. Hear about the Miraculous Visitation of "Hope" he experienced when all Hope seemed lost and he was at death's door. Be encouraged to cherish the life you've been given 🙏🏼. Alimasi is a man after God's own heart and truly holds a servant's heart for people. He is a worship leader, writer, the founder and overseer of the Christ City Church international community based in south Africa cape town, and an internationally known, Prophet for the Lord. This Powerful Episode is sure to Bless, Encourage, and Inspire you in a very special and unique way to Choose H.O.P.E in your life! ✨⚓🌅💛 Hold on pain ends and Purpose Endures. Thank you for listening 🤍