Episode 10: In this Holiday Special, Slice of the Paranormal takes a dark turn among the Christmas Lights and Egg Nog Festivities. We explore the evil lore of the holiday focusing on the dark creatures from the Alpine Region and Germany. Krampus, is a horned anthropomorphic figure who, is said to accompany Saint Nicholas on visits to children during the night of 5 December (Krampusnacht; "Krampus Night"). Unlike the jolly old Saint Nicholas, Krampus delivers punishment to the bad children of the world. We also discuss other dark figures of the holiday like Belsnickel, Knecht Ruprecht, and Perchta. Who each have their own punishments to hand out. So sit by your Yule Log, put the kids to bed and grab an Egg Nog. These are some holiday stories your children may not want to hear!