How many hours should you REALLY be working? 🤔 This video explores the laws of working hours, breaking down the ideal workweek for different career paths. We discuss the standard 40-hour workweek for 9-to-5 employees, the 54-hour workweek often associated with entrepreneurs, and the demanding 90-hour workweek often linked to achieving millionaire status. We delve into the work ethic required for success, the importance of productivity, and the potential impact on work-life balance. Whether you're a 9-to-5er, an entrepreneur, or aspiring to be a millionaire, this video provides valuable insights into optimizing your working hours. We want to hear your thoughts on this, drop it in the comment.Thank you for watching thus far, we are grateful, and we hope you will take the time to subscribe, and we hope you will share our content too. #podcast #news #thinking #mindset #motivation #SUCCESS #mindsetpodcast #life #inspiration #money #workinghours #entrepreneur #millionairemindset #productivity #worklifebalance #workethic #success #business #motivation #timemanagement #millionaire #hustle #grind #entrepreneurship #businessgrowth #worklife #career #businessowner #productivitytips #successhabits #9to5 #workweek #businesstips #motivation #inspiration