
  • Fertility, career, entrepreneurship and impact with Naseem Sayani
    Motherhood, family, fertility and entrepreneurship…oh my! These are words and topics that don’t often go together. In fact…many would argue that these do not blend in this industry.Naseem Sayani is a trailblazing consultant turned entrepreneur turned Venture Capitlist and General Partner at Emmeline Ventures. Naseem shares her health and fertility journey and struggles openly and transparently and in ways that many won’t. Starting with fertility challenges, through to IVF, and ultimately her adoption journey and how these experiences taught her about the environment that women live and navigate today when it comes to fertility and how this drove and inspired her to create Emmaline Ventures to fund companies that are solving these types of problems that millions of women experience.Lack of consistent and reliable information for women about fertility leaves women disempowered and in positions where they have to make big choices with incorrect information, often from a disempowered place of social perceptions and cultural and society biases. Not exactly the recipe for modern women (and men) who want to have both careers and families.Join Genevieve and Naseem to dig in to the topic with matter of factness and frankness. Follow Naseem on LinkedInhttps://www.emmelineventures.vc/  Follow Adventureous on social media!YouTube -  https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5lX5kd6h2T1e4J818ljNElOpW84hwjFLLinkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/genevievelemarchal/Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/genevievelemarchal/ Transcript:(00:00) Hi adventurers I am thrilled to be here with you today and introduce you to Naseem Sayani she is a venture capitalist she runs Emeline Ventures and she has a really really amazing story to share with us and so much wisdom and I cannot wait to dive in with her but before we get there I want to share a(00:24) little bit with you guys about family family helps you take control of your fertility Journey Couples are waiting longer nowadays to start families and they're bringing some new challenges to the table that really weren't a thing for us a long time ago so family really gone are the days of trying for months(00:42) until you can visit your OB-GYN about your fertility challenges only to be sent straight to invasive expensive IVF treatments that often aren't even necessary so family offers fertility Telehealth at home Labs customized protocols and prescriptions as a fertility treatment before you go to IVF women will family helps women identify(01:02) and treat these critical hormone imbalances and ovulation challenges they often aren't even aware is impacting their fertility and it helps them just take control so that they can have the family that they dream of Adventures podcast listeners can use code adventurous and be sure to check that spelling for a hundred dollars off your(01:22) family fertility program find the link and learn more about family to get this special offer it'll be in the show notes or on our website at adventuristpodcast.com so next up here we have Naseem I'm so happy to have you here with us thank you so I'm excited to be here so let's start off I'd love to have you(01:45) just share a little bit about yourself your adventure capitalists you're based in Los Angeles what else is there to know about and see me it's a great question so a couple of things on the career front I grew up in management consulting as I call myself a recovering consultant in a lot of ways(02:04) lots of years in digital Innovation and digital strategy work which all kind of serendipitously led me to a place where I was then part of an agency then I was part of an incubator and we were like actually launching startups and it was through all of that experience the exposure to venture also happened(02:20) and lots of we'll get into it but there are lots of instances of wanting to see change or do things differently or have different impact with different sets of people that became really apparent and it's it's what led me to then launch the fund and on the personal front I live in LA I have a four-year-old he's turning four in two(02:40) weeks and so we're in like party planning mode and yeah and I have a dog I have a small dog named Lola oh okay so we I just talked about family I'd love to hear I know this is a topic that you and I discussed very briefly just a couple of days ago actually I think I don't know time's not a thing in my brain but(03:03) about entrepreneurship women fertility and children like loaded subject if there ever was one you know so I'd love to hear a little bit about your story of a four-year-old son while also having it sounds like an extremely busy career becoming a venture capitalist share a little bit about that yeah it's a(03:26) good question there's so many layers in that question and so I will start with you know having a small child and running a fund is super fun it makes the logistics really entertaining and so it but it's really good in ...
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  • Empowering the Underdog and Making Dreams into Reality with Armond Davis (EP 8)
    Guest Bio:Armond is the founder and Managing Partner of The Paragon Group, a private equity and venture capital firm, which invests primarily in pre-seed and seed stage businesses with ethnically diverse or female founders. He graduated Magna Cum Laude from Florida A&M University with an MBA in Finance in 2002. In 2019, Davis received his second Master’s degree when he obtained an MS in Commercial Real Estate Investment from Georgia State University. Davis is heavily involved in community leadership in Metro Atlanta. He is an alum of the United Way’s Volunteer Involvement Program as well as the leadership programs of the Urban Land Institute and the Atlanta Regional Commission. He has served on the Board of Directors of the 100 Black Men of Atlanta, the largest and most influential Black mentoring organization in the city.Follow Armond on LinkedInArmond's Website: https://www.armonddavis.com/The Paragon Group: https://www.paragoninvestmentfund.com/ Follow Adventureous on social media!YouTube -  https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5lX5kd6h2T1e4J818ljNElOpW84hwjFLLinkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/genevievelemarchal/Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/genevievelemarchal/ Transcript:(00:00) Hi adventurers we're back this episode I am thrilled to introduce you to Armond Davis of the Paragon group he has an incredible story to share he has amazing expertise to share with you and I cannot wait to dive into his amazing wisdom but before we get started I'd love to tell you a little bit about family family(00:24) helps you take control of your fertility Journey couples are waiting longer to start families nowadays and that brings a lot of challenges with it so with family gone are the days of trying for months until you can visit your OB-GYN about fertility challenges only to be sent straight to invasive and expensive(00:42) IVF treatments that often aren't necessary surprisingly so family offers you the opportunity to access fertility treatments through Telehealth at home labs and customized protocols at home and get prescriptions and all the things that you might need before you go to IVF so we can take control women can treat(01:01) critical hormonal imbalances ovulation challenges that they often aren't even aware is impacting their fertility putting the power back into the hands of the couple so Adventures podcast listeners can use the code adventurous make sure you check the spelling for a hundred dollars off your family fertility program you can find the link(01:21) to learn more about family and get this offer it will be in the show notes or on our website at adventurous cast.com so all right Armond you're here yay I'm so happy to be here I love the conversations that we have had offline looking forward to having another great one here today likewise yes we met(01:42) through the Sutton Capital little Community which is very yes I've met some great people there so far so I'm excited to meet more so share a little about yourself our mom has a very interesting background because he like all these C's didn't come into VC but quote unquote typical way I don't even think there is a typical way but    so(02:01) share a little bit about where you came from tell us about your journey and what inspired you to become not just a venture capital investor but the type of person who is a venture capital investor that you are that's a that I have never had the question phrased that way    well yeah it makes you know it makes(02:22) you think about it from a different perspective but you know as you said nobody comes to venture to the traditional way there's just a handful of people who actually came out of business school worked at a big BC fire did deals on behalf of that firm and then just left and raised the fund and started doing their own firm a lot of us(02:43) come from different places so I'm no different I was born and raised in St Louis and loved my family and left my childhood growing up I went down to Florida a University    for to get both my undergrad and my MBA in finance and then after that moved to Atlanta I worked for Goldman Sachs for a while I(03:05) worked at SunTrust Bank for a while as well which is now truest but around 2005 or so I started to really think about what I wanted to do for myself and so it was that was really the in Patterson meeting in the beginning of a really long journey so my first instinct was what I wanted to do was start a hedge(03:32) funds was 2005 2006 I was getting really into technical analysis and I saw this huge Head and Shoulders top forming and I said you know what I really should I should leave and I should start hedge fund and I should short the market and a moment of true and really a moment of doubt I really thought to myself at the time(03:55) you know I was 27 years old nobody's going to give 27 year old black man that doesn't have an Ivy League education 20 million dollars so if you can short the market and    all coming off one of ...
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  • The Energetics of Money and Investing with Blaine Bartlett

    The Soul of Business Podcast on YouTube. Blaine's episode on Soul of Business with Genevieve LeMarchal.

    Follow Blaine on LinkedIn

    Blaine Bartlett's website




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  • Leading with Vision, Alignment and Being a Lighthouse with Adeo Ressi, Founder and CEO of VC Lab

    Follow Adeo on LinkedIn.

    Learn about (or apply!) to VC Lab.




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  • Overcoming Obstacles and Setbacks with John Vitti, Founder & CEO of VersusGame

    Follow Versus Game on Instagram

    Learn about Versus in Forbes, Bloomberg, Yahoo News, Grit Daily


    2:30 - John introduces himself and his journey to where he is today as the Founder and CEO of Versus Game. Starting from humble beginnings and almost failing out of university several times before embarking on his (even more humbling) journey of entrepreneurship, beginning with a couple failures before starting to have some successes and eventually versus game which launched in 2019.

    4:25 - What Versus Game is and how it works. A prediction game that allows people to predict the outcomes of the culture and life we live in every day, and earn money. Rather than being passive to pop culture, with Versus Game you can become active participants in pop culture.

    7:10 - John discusses a key moment when he almost quit entrepreneurship and what kept him from doing that. Including struggling to raise money for the initial funding rounds of Versus Game.

    8:45 - Genevieve discloses that she had the opportunity to invest early in Versus Game, and how it felt to watch John and Versus Game become successful and not be part of it. What she saw in Versus Game early on (before it was even called Versus Game, it was called MrktStar) and she didn’t invest.

    10:00 John and Genevieve discuss fundraising.

    12:15 - John and Genevieve share wisdom and stories about building teams and recruiting the right people, choosing the right advisors.

    15:50 - John and Genevieve discuss perceptions and dynamics of being an entrepreneur and managing perceptions of family, trying to date as an entrepreneur, etc.

    20:55 - John explains his approach and lens to vetting and hiring great people from his own experience.

    22:00 - John shares a story of one of his hardest times as an entrepreneur, restarting again fresh off a failure.

    26:36 - John shares where purpose and entrepreneurship intersect for him and his perspective of finding your path and purpose as an entrepreneur.

    28:11 - Genevieve shares how she is inspired in entrepreneurship and venture capital by the great broadcasters and journalists.

    31:30 - John lends his final wisdom he’d share with entrepreneurs who are struggling in the trenches. You’ve already experienced the worst, and it can only get better from here. You still have an opportunity, what are you afraid of?

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  • Creating Comeback Stories with Chris Thompson of Sober Sidekick

    Download Sober Sidekick on Apple or Google Play

    Read about Sober Sidekick on Fortune

    Sober Sidekick with Brian MacMahon on the Expert Dojo Podcast, The Art of Startup War


    5:00 - Chris’s story about starting Sober Sidekick, beginning with waking up on the sidewalk on Thanksgiving Day and asking himself, “What if today was Day 1 of my comeback story?” Asking ourselves the powerful question “What If?” instead of the disempowering question, “Why is?”

    10:00 - Chris begins to tell himself a new story. From sober living, armed with a 30 day chip from Alcoholics Anonymous, to beginning to write the first line of code for Sober Sidekick. Chris realized his algorithm from his last startup for musicians could help others get and stay sober.

    14.20 - Chris provides his advice on how to get through with someone who is in a really difficult or tough place. The similarities between the entrepreneurial journey and the recovery journey. How purpose can come from struggle and suffering

    17.00 - Genevieve discusses the illusion of separateness and how it drives us in isolation, in entrepreneurship, addiction and otherwise. Dropping the belief in separateness and realizing we are the same, being willing to connect through our similarities instead of trapped in our differences. Chris talks about Sober Sidekick’s foundation of being a We platform that operates without ego. Guilt and shame can only come from the ego.

    23.00 - The fork in the road, when Chris almost quit and relapsed. Realizing the enemy is not outside of him, it’s within him. There was no scenario that he cannot push through. The day you want to quit is the most important day of your life.

    31.00 - What if our healthcare was community driven? What if we were more dependent on each other? Especially in behavioral health and mental health. How isolation drives adverse health outcomes.

    34.30 - Genevieve ruminates on transactional thinking. What if we ask ourselves instead, “who can I be?” How this opens up possibilities. Overcome the immense pressure to transact, add value, take value, etc. Chris draws the connection between how he comes into sales and investment pitches with this mindset. Claiming the ultimate power through realness, authenticity and connection and using this to create a business, and a purpose that is bigger than you. This is the root of the multiplier effect that powers Sober Sidekick, Suncoast Ventures, Expert Dojo and so many other high performing purpose-driven startups.

    42.00 - One day when you are on your deathbed, what will you care about most about today? That you were willing to show up, be on the court. You will only regret failure if you’re not on the court playing full out.

    43.50 - The only thing you can’t undo is not taking action. All you have is looking back and wondering “what if?” Genevieve shares about how she used to have lots of reasons, justifications and reasons for why she didn’t have the life, the career and the results that she wanted, and how this shifted when she got on the court and started to take action.

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  • Trust, Surrender and How to Create Using Masculine and Feminine Energy with Sabastian Enges.

    Learning to trust when the entrepreneurial journey is difficult and you can’t see what’s ahead. Taking full responsibility is the game changer in entrepreneurship and the biggest difference we see in entrepreneurs between those who break through and those who don’t. 

    Sebastian shares 4 powerful questions to ask yourself, your team, and your clients to break through blocks and clear up unworkable situations. Genevieve and Sabastian dig into the interplay between feminine and masculine energy in business, relationships and life and Genevieve shares her rituals to support feminine energy and flow as a busy entrepreneur and venture capitalist. Sabastian talks about knowing yourself, and knowing what you’re all about.

    For more episodes and information, visit us at AdventureousPodcast.com

    Follow us on social media!

    YouTube Podcast Playlist -  https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5lX5kd6h2T1e4J818ljNElOpW84hwjFL

    Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/genevievelemarchal/

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/genevievelemarchal/

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/GenevieveLeMarchalCo

    Twitter - https://twitter.com/genlemarchal

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  • Managing Partner of Dear Mamma VC and Head of Partnerships and Ecosystems at LG

    Alicia Hanf is Managing Partner of Dear Mamma VC and Head of Partnerships and Ecosystem Development at LG, she is a TedX speaker and former military special operations. Alicia’s journey that led her from being a sports agent with the Baltimore Ravens to the tech start-up world to venture capital was a winding road that went through the darkness and depths of grief and loss and she was able to find her inner light, and resilience through her harrowing experiences. In this episode, Alicia imparts wisdom on entrepreneurs who are or have been in the depths of great difficulty and struggle, pulling on experiences from the Army, to losing her mother, to the early years of building a tech startup and now a venture capital fund.  

    For more episodes and information, visit us at AdventureousPodcast.com


    Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/genevievelemarchal/

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/genevievelemarchal/

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/GenevieveLeMarchalCo

    Twitter - https://twitter.com/genlemarchal

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