
  • Two Spirits | House Church

    Two Spirits:

    Welcome to this week's sermon podcast! Today, we're exploring a powerful message about the two competing spiritual influences in our lives and how we can walk in the power of God's Spirit.

    Episode Overview

    In this episode, we'll examine the stark contrast between living by the Spirit of God versus the spirit of the world, using the dramatic story of Samson as our case study.

    Key Scripture

    * 1 Corinthians 2:10-13

    * Judges 16:1-30

    * Romans 8:11

    * John 20:22

    * Luke 23:46

    Sermon Outline

    Part 1: Understanding God's Breath (Spirit)

    * The Greek word "pneuma" means breath or spirit

    * Heath Ledger analogy: How he studied the Joker's breathing to understand the character

    * To know God's breath is to know God's character and disposition

    * Scripture is "breathed out by God" (2 Timothy 3:16)

    * Only the Spirit of God knows the thoughts of God

    Part 2: Samson's Story - Power and Promises

    * Background: God raised judges to free Israel from enemies

    * Samson's Nazarite vow and its meaning

    * The Spirit of God rested on Samson, giving him supernatural strength

    * Delilah's deception and Samson's poor choices

    * The devastating consequence: "The Lord had left him"

    * Samson's final prayer and redemption

    Part 3: Jesus as the Greater Samson

    * Both died surrounded by enemies

    * Samson died with his enemies; Jesus died for His enemies

    * Jesus "breathed His last" to give us new spiritual breath

    * Jesus breathed on the apostles: "Receive the Holy Spirit"

    Part 4: Living in the Power of God's Spirit

    * Two competing spirits: the world's vs. God's

    * We will all die for a spirit - which one will we choose?

    * The Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead lives in believers

    * What needs to "die" in our lives for God's Spirit to fully operate?

    * Our communities don't need us - they need God's Spirit in us

    Reflection Questions

    * What is the Spirit of God doing in your life right now?

    * What might God be asking you to let "die" so His Spirit can work more powerfully through you?

    * How can you better distinguish between the world's influences and God's Spirit?

    * In what areas of your life do you need to stop giving "CPR" to things that need to die?

    Closing Thoughts

    We all face a choice: Will we die giving ourselves to the spirit of this world, or will we allow things to die in us so we can fully live by God's Spirit? Remember, the same Spirit that empowered Samson and raised Jesus from the dead lives in you. Don't wait until it's too late to discover the power of living by God's breath.

    Next Week

    Join us as we continue our series on spiritual empowerment with "Recognizing God's Voice in a Noisy World." Subscribe to make sure you don't miss it!

    If this message resonated with you, please share it with others who might need this encouragement. Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe to our podcast for more weekly spiritual insights.

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    35 分
  • Breath


    * Christianity is more than just feelings or Sunday experiences

    * The Greek word for "breath" and "spirit" (pneuma) is the same word

    * The connection between breath, life, and the Spirit of God

    The Spirit Gives Us Access to the Mind of God

    * 1 Corinthians 2:10-13 - The Spirit searches the depths of God

    * Just as our breath enters our brain before we speak, God's Spirit knows His thoughts

    * Through the Spirit, believers have special access to God's wisdom

    The Story of Joseph: Dreams and Divine Purpose

    * Joseph's dreams came directly from God

    * His brothers' rejection couldn't stop God's purpose

    * Jesus is the greater Joseph

    * Rejected by his brothers

    * Through death, brought salvation

    * Gave up His breath so we could receive it

    The Life-Changing Power of the Spirit

    * Romans 8:11 - The same Spirit that raised Jesus lives in believers

    * Having the Spirit means our lives should visibly change

    * The Spirit transforms our character and disposition

    The Treasures of Knowing God Deeply

    * Access to the depths of God means access to deeper joy

    * The Spirit brings transformation to others through us

    * There's always more treasure to discover in Christ


    * If you're not experiencing growth or change, examine your connection to the Spirit

    * Don't let the world make you feel strange for showing Christian character

    * Don't snatch away what God is trying to do in your life


    * Take time to ask: "What is the Spirit doing in my life right now?"

    * God's Spirit is meant to turn everything upside down

    * Let the life-giving power of the Spirit work through you

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit amenpodcast.substack.com
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    45 分
  • Love God, Love Others
    AMENPODCAST.COMMatthew 22:34-40 Bible StudyFrom the Amen Podcast with Alex and LokalaniScripture ReadingBut when the Pharisees heard that he had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered together and one of them, a lawyer, asked him a question to test him. "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the law?" And he said to him, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the law and the prophets."— Matthew 22:34-40 (ESV)ContextIn this passage, Jesus faces the third and final question from religious leaders trying to trap him during Holy Week. The Pharisees had already tried to entrap him with a question about taxes. The Sadducees had attempted to trick him with a theological puzzle about resurrection. Now, a lawyer from the Pharisees tests Jesus about which of the 613 commandments in the law is greatest.Christ's answer is brilliant and silences his critics. He doesn't simply pick one law over the others—he summarizes the entire law by combining two passages:* Deuteronomy 6:5 — "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might."* Leviticus 19:18 — "You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against the sons of your own people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord."Key Points1. The Command Is Also an InvitationWhen Jesus answers with "love God and love your neighbor," he's not just giving a command; he's offering an invitation to freedom. God's commandments were never meant to be oppressive rules but a pathway to life, joy, and communion with Him and others.2. Love God, Love PeopleThis "greatest commandment" is comprehensive and binary:* Vertical relationship: Love God with your whole being* Horizontal relationship: Love your neighbors as yourselfEvery other commandment flows from these two principles. If we love God truly, we will keep His commandments. If we love our neighbors, we will not harm them but seek their good.3. The Example of Onan: Breaking the Greatest CommandmentIn Genesis 38:8-10, we see Onan refusing to fulfill his duty to his deceased brother's wife, Tamar. By selfishly seeking his own gratification without responsibility, Onan:* Failed to love God by disrespecting His plan for the family lineage* Failed to love his neighbor (Tamar) by denying her security and protectionThis story illustrates how we become selfish when we break the greatest commandment. We choose gratification over responsibility, personal desires over the needs of others.4. Christ Perfectly Fulfilled the CommandmentJesus is the only one who perfectly loved God and others:* He loved God so much that he was obedient to death on a cross* He loved his neighbors (us) so much that he laid down his life for us while we were still sinnersJesus didn't just teach the greatest commandment—he demonstrated it through his sacrifice.Application Questions* How can you love God more fully this week? Consider practical ways to express your love through obedience, worship, and time with Him.* Who is your "neighbor" that needs your love right now? Think about family members, coworkers, church members, and actual neighbors who might need encouragement, forgiveness, or practical help.* In what areas of your life are you being selfish like Onan? Where are you choosing gratification over responsibility?* How has your perspective on God's commands changed? Do you see them as restrictive rules or as invitations to freedom and love?* What gifts has God given you that you can use to love others in your church community?Closing ThoughtsWhen we shift our mindset from "I have to love God and others" to "I get to love God and others," everything changes. This isn't just a duty—it's a privilege and the pathway to true joy.The more we walk in obedience, the more natural loving God and loving others becomes. As we grow in Christ, we find that loving others flows more easily from us because God's own love fills our hearts.Remember: To love God is to obey Him. To love others is to serve them. And in doing both, we experience the life Jesus intended for us."How can you love God and love others?" Share your answers in the comments below!PrayerFather, thank you for your leadership and for teaching us in ways we never expected. Help us to remember that loving you and loving others is not merely a command but an invitation to experience life as you designed it. Guide us to love you through our obedience and to love others through service and sacrifice. In Jesus' name, amen.amen podcast website This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit amenpodcast.substack.com
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    43 分
  • Finding Rest | Catechism #10

    In this episode, Alex discusses the importance of family togetherness and the Fourth and Fifth Commandments from his backyard gym. He shares how House Church began with the vision of families worshiping together rather than being separated into different rooms. He explains the three aspects of Sabbath: rhythm (establishing healthy patterns), rejuvenation (spiritual and physical restoration), and rest (embracing God's grace without working for salvation). Alex connects the Sabbath to the commandment to honor parents, emphasizing that our first relationship with father and mother shapes all future relationships. He concludes that a right relationship with God through Christ enables us to heal other relationships and truly embrace Sabbath rest. The episode is part of the Amen podcast, which can be found at amenepodcast.com and on Instagram. AmenPodcast.com

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit amenpodcast.substack.com
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    13 分
  • The Best Is Yet to Come | HOUSE CHURCH

    In a world that constantly pulls us toward immediate gratification and worldly success, we often forget a profound biblical truth: for those who love God, the best is yet to come.

    A Wisdom the World Doesn't Understand

    Recently, I was reflecting on Paul's words in 1 Corinthians 2:8-9:

    "None of the rulers of this age knew this wisdom because if they had known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. But it is written: What no eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no human heart has conceived—God has prepared these things for those who love him."

    This passage reveals something extraordinary about how God works. The rulers who crucified Jesus—Tiberius, Pontius Pilate, Herod Antipas, and the religious leaders—acted in complete ignorance of God's wisdom. Had they understood what their actions would ultimately accomplish, they would have stopped immediately.

    They had no idea that by crucifying Jesus, they were signing their own death warrant. They couldn't foresee how this seemingly small religious execution would lead to the rise of Christianity and eventually the end of the Roman Empire as followers of Christ lived as loyal citizens under Rome while giving their ultimate allegiance to God.

    Living Differently: The Example of Daniel

    This pattern of God working in ways that exceed human imagination appears throughout scripture. Consider Daniel, who served in the highest levels of government yet remained uncompromisingly devoted to God.

    When faced with a law forbidding prayer to anyone but the king, Daniel didn't hesitate or hide. Daniel 6:10 tells us: "When Daniel learned about the document that had been signed, he went to his house... three times a day he got down on his knees, prayed, and gave thanks to his God, just as he had done before."

    Daniel changed nothing when threatened with the lions' den. Why? Because his life was already aligned with God's purposes. He already loved God and lived differently, so when pressure came, consistency—not change—was his response.

    For those living in alignment with God's will, the key isn't radical change but faithful consistency. For those not living in obedience to God, significant changes may be necessary. But for Daniel, obedience meant simply continuing what he was already doing.

    What No Eye Has Seen

    Throughout his life, Daniel repeatedly experienced things he could never have imagined:

    * Surviving the lions' den

    * Sleeping to the sound of purring lions

    * Seeing Judaism become elevated throughout the Persian Empire because of his faithfulness

    * Witnessing the king decree that everyone should worship Daniel's God

    These experiences beautifully illustrate Paul's promise that "what no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human heart has conceived, God has prepared for those who love him."

    The Greater Daniel

    Jesus is the greater Daniel. Just as Daniel emerged from the lions' den unharmed with no broken bones, Jesus emerged from death itself without a single bone broken—fulfilling the prophecy of Psalm 34:20.

    What enabled Jesus to endure the cross? Hebrews 12:2 tells us it was "for the joy set before him." That joy was knowing that for His children, the best was yet to come. His love for the Father and His love for us carried Him through.

    From Darkness to Light

    When I was eight years old, I was exposed to inappropriate content at a friend's house. That experience began a journey into darkness I couldn't have imagined at the time. Yet, more than twenty years later, God has completely reversed that trajectory.

    Never would I have dreamed that God would take that broken child and transform him into someone who influences others for good. What seemed irreversible—the shame and darkness—God turned completely around.

    The Power of the Cross

    This is why I can't stop talking about the cross. It's not just that God redeemed us there; He reversed everything sin did in our lives. The cross gives us power to let go of anything we're holding onto too tightly—those things we think define us—because we know the best is yet to come.

    How Does This Change Us?

    So I leave you with this question: How does believing the best is yet to come encourage you today?

    Whatever you're facing—however dark, lonely, or impossible your situation seems—if you hold onto the hope of the cross and resurrection, you can live differently. You can endure. You can overcome.

    Because for those who love God, the best truly is yet to come.


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    31 分
  • Silencing Sin
    Continuing our series on Matthew 22amenpodcast.comWhen Religious Critics AttackIn our ongoing exploration of Matthew 22, we encounter Jesus facing his second challenge of the day. After silencing the Pharisees, Jesus now confronts the Sadducees, who approach Him with skepticism and mockery about the resurrection.The passage (Matthew 22:23-34) reveals how Jesus masterfully responds to those who attempt to trap Him with theological questions. This interaction provides powerful lessons for believers today who face criticism or mockery for their faith.Who Were the Sadducees?Before diving into Jesus' response, it's important to understand who the Sadducees were:* They only accepted the Torah (the first five books of the Bible) as authoritative scripture* They rejected the concept of resurrection because they found no explicit mention of it in the Torah* They were part of the religious establishment that felt threatened by Jesus' growing influenceThe Trick QuestionThe Sadducees approached Jesus with what they believed was a foolproof theological trap:"Teacher, Moses said if a man dies having no children, his brother must marry the widow and raise up offspring for his brother. Now there were seven brothers among us. The first married and died, and having no offspring, left his wife to his brother. So too the second and third, down to the seventh. After them all, the woman died. In the resurrection, therefore, of the seven, whose wife will she be? For they all had her."Their question referenced Deuteronomy 25:5-6, the law of levirate marriage designed to preserve family lines. By creating this extreme scenario involving seven brothers marrying the same woman, they hoped to mock the very concept of resurrection that Jesus taught.Jesus' Two-Fold ResponseJesus doesn't hesitate or become defensive. Instead, He identifies two critical flaws in their thinking:* "You know neither the Scriptures..." - Despite their supposed expertise in the Torah, they missed its deeper teachings about eternal life* "...nor the power of God" - They limited God's abilities to their own understanding of realityJesus then explains that marriage is an earthly institution, not continued in heaven the same way. More powerfully, He uses their own accepted Scripture against them, quoting Exodus: "I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob." By emphasizing that God "is not the God of the dead, but of the living," Jesus affirms the resurrection from within the very Torah they claimed to revere.Silencing Enemies God's WayThis passage teaches us vital lessons about dealing with those who mock or criticize our faith:* Stay grounded in Scripture - Jesus didn't rely on eloquence or personal attacks but on the truth of God's word* Trust in God's power - When we limit God to our understanding, we miss His greater purposes* Let God silence critics - Rather than seeking personal vengeance, allow God's truth to speakA Personal ExampleI'm reminded of our own journey in ministry. Years ago, my husband and I began creating Christian content online, facing mockery and criticism from many who thought it was "weird" or "cringe." A year before COVID-19, we felt led to start digital church services despite skepticism.When the pandemic hit, what had seemed foolish to critics suddenly became essential. The infrastructure we had built became a lifeline for thousands seeking spiritual nourishment during lockdowns. Without fighting our critics or defending ourselves, God vindicated our efforts through His timing and provision.The Final WordThe crowd's reaction to Jesus' response says it all: "they were astonished at his teaching." The Sadducees, who came to trap Jesus, found themselves silenced instead.This remains true for believers today. When we face opposition, mockery, or attempts to undermine our faith, we don't need to fight back in our "own power, own pride, or own vengeance." Instead, like Jesus, we can rely on God's Word and God's power.God will get the final word. His Word will not return void. Our call is to remain faithful, continue in what He's called us to do, and trust Him with the results."For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart." - Hebrews 4:12Join us next week as we continue our series through Matthew 22 with Jesus' third response to His critics.Prayer Prompt: Where in your life do you need to trust God to silence critics rather than fighting them yourself? Spend time asking God to help you know His Word more deeply and trust His power more fully.If this post encouraged you, please share it with others and subscribe to receive our weekly devotionals directly to your inbox. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit amenpodcast.substack.com
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    40 分
  • Honoring God | Catechism #9


    As I sat in the quiet of early morning, a conviction settled over me. In our fast-paced, entertainment-saturated world, how often do we truly put God first?

    When my wife and I lived in California before returning to Kauai, we intentionally kept television out of our bedroom. This simple choice led us to earlier bedtimes and earlier mornings—and surprisingly, a deeper connection with God. It wasn't about the schedule itself, but where we placed our priorities.

    The First Three Commandments

    In our 52-week study of the catechism, Question #9 asks: "What does God require in the first, second, and third commandments?" The answer reveals a profound framework for our relationship with God:

    * Know God as the one true and living God

    * Avoid all idolatry

    * Treat God's name with fear and reverence

    These first three commandments all center on our relationship with God, while the remaining seven govern our relationships with others. But I've discovered these aren't just ancient rules—they're a diagnostic tool for my spiritual health.

    Modern Idols in Disguise

    When I spend hours scrolling through entertainment instead of in prayer, what does that reveal about my priorities? The "god of entertainment" competes with the one true God for my attention and affection. Other "gods" slip into our lives too—success, finances, self-sufficiency, even creativity.

    True worship requires treating God's name—His character, His word, and His works—with genuine reverence. When I rush through prayer or Scripture because I stayed up too late watching shows, I'm not giving God the honor He deserves.

    Breaking Free

    Recently, I felt God convicting me to return to Him and remake my mornings. If I truly believe He is the one true and living God, shouldn't I trust that time with Him is more valuable than an extra hour of sleep? If His name is upon me as His child, shouldn't I live with purpose rather than emptiness?

    Making this change isn't about trying harder—that approach always fails. Instead, we must look to Jesus:

    * Jesus knew and confessed God as the only true God

    * Jesus put the Father first in all things, constantly overturning idols

    * Jesus showed complete reverence for God's name in how He lived

    On the cross, Jesus took the punishment for our failure to keep these commandments. Our broken relationship with God was restored through His sacrifice. When Jesus cried, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" He was experiencing the separation our sin deserved.

    But three days later, God raised Jesus from the dead, proving He will never forsake us—even when we fail. He leads us toward a fuller life, saying, "You don't know what you're missing when you prioritize lesser things over Me."

    Your Turn

    What changes might God be calling you to make? Where have modern idols crept into your daily rhythms? Remember, don't just try harder—look to Jesus, who perfectly fulfilled these commandments and offers us grace to grow.

    When we realign our priorities and put God first—whether through earlier mornings, intentional prayer, or mindful worship—what once felt like burden becomes joy. The table He invites us to is worth every sacrifice.

    How are you honoring God in your daily rhythms? Share in the comments below.

    This post is part of our 52-week study of the catechism. Join us next week as we continue exploring the Ten Commandments.

    #alexwilson #amenpodcast #catechism

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    10 分
  • Growing Spiritually


    Introduction: The Two Ages in Scripture

    Throughout the Bible, we see a consistent theme of two distinct ages:

    * The Present Age - characterized by rebellion, sin, and death

    * The Age to Come - characterized by God's rule and righteousness

    As Christians, we live in the tension between these two ages. Christ's death and resurrection have ushered in the age to come, yet we still experience the realities of the present age.

    Key Scripture: 1 Corinthians 2:6-7

    "We do, however, speak a wisdom among the mature but not a wisdom of this age or of the rulers of this age who are coming to nothing. On the contrary, we speak God's hidden wisdom in a mystery, a wisdom God predestined before the ages for our glory."

    What is Spiritual Maturity?

    1. Spiritual maturity is not about physical age

    * Example: Samuel as a boy hearing God's voice (1 Samuel 3)

    * Contrast: Eli, physically mature but spiritually dull

    * Timothy being told, "Don't let anyone look down on you because you're young"

    2. Spiritual maturity is characterized by obedience

    * Moving from spiritual milk to solid food (Hebrews 5:14)

    * "The reason why Christians don't mature in the church is because they don't walk in obedience"

    * Growth happens when we do what God has told us to do

    3. Spiritual maturity means accepting reality

    * Recognizing we live in a fallen world

    * "Spiritual maturity is realizing I can't always get what I want"

    * Not being flustered when things don't go our way (like Esther, Ruth, and Mary)

    4. Spiritual maturity means responding to God's voice

    * Samuel's response: "Speak, for your servant is listening"

    * Answering God directly instead of always running to intermediaries

    * Jesus' sacrifice ensures we can hear God's voice

    How to Grow Spiritually

    * Recognize the age you belong to: You were born into the present age but born again into the age to come

    * Walk in obedience: Don't justify sin while expecting spiritual growth

    * Exercise faith: "Everything in your life requires faith"

    * Respond when God calls: Like Samuel, be quick to say "Here I am"

    * Accept your inability to control everything: Christianity isn't about controlling the world but about living faithfully within it

    The Glory That Awaits

    * "A Christian's glory is that we might be like Christ"

    * God predestined this glory "before the ages" (1 Cor 2:7)

    * Jesus died so we could hear God's voice like Samuel did

    * In spiritual maturity, "there is nothing that the gates of hell will prevail over you"

    Closing Challenge

    Where is God asking you to mature, and you're not listening?

    Where is He saying, "just grow up"?

    What area of obedience is He calling you to embrace today?

    "Spiritual maturity is having the knowledge that I am not a part of this age. I'm a part of the age to come."

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit amenpodcast.substack.com
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