Chef Chito embarked on his culinary journey at the age of 14, igniting his passion for the culinary arts within the walls of his parents' Jose and Olivia’s restaurant in Akron, Iowa. Upon graduating, he embarked on a remarkable journey in the world of sports and entertainment catering. Including NBA, MLB, Nascar, NFL, MLS, PGA, and more!
In 2014, a unique opportunity arose when he was invited to Gabon, a West African country, to serve as the personal chef for the President of Gabon and the First Family. This experience came with a plethora of privileges, including accompanying the family on presidential trips and assuming the role of host chef for visiting foreign dignitaries. Chef Chito takes immense pride in representing his culture and sharing the richness of Mexican cuisine with the people of Gabon and beyond. Chef Chito has appeared in many TV Spotlights, NBC CBS, ABC, YAHOO NEWS, CNN as well as magazines.
We were excited to finally interview our first Chef, and Chito did not disappoint. From sharing small bites, to telling us stories of Gabon, we thank Chef Chito for giving us his limited time. Bill brought an appetite, Jimmy brought the St. Hildies tonic, and Dawson was shaking with excitement to meet an executive Chef. All this and more for this week's edition of the Lets Go Eat and Drink Show!