I recently had a number of dominos fall - and that's always bound to happen if you aren't using any platform(s) to help with automation. It can even happen when using some! Some of the platforms I have used, or am putting in place, can help with a number of routine tasks that need to be done. It can take quite a bit of time to set some of these up initially, and some maintenance along the way, it's commonplace to free up quite a bit of time long term.
Here are a few options below:
MailerLite https://www.mailerlite.com/ is an email management platform that allows 1 - 1,000 subscribers and send out 12,000 emails per month for free - and the paid options slowly increase as the audience increases. You can set up forms to collect email addresses and landing pages for websites as well. I've set up and tested a few forms already and expect to use the platform much more going forward.
Calendly https://calendly.com is one of many appointment scheduling platforms. It has helped me to be more accessible to clients, and I've used it for scheduling almost every guest on this podcast as well. I've finally hit the point where I need a paid account - but you may be able to operate for quite some time on the free account - which I used for nearly a year before upgrading to a paid version. calendly.com
While I formerly recommended, and enjoyed, using Hootsuite's platform - many changes have been made in the past few years that limited my access as a legacy 'Pro' user and they recently announced a cost increase that won't allow me to continue using their platform. I'll be looking for a new social media management and scheduling platform and expect to share what I find. Currently I'm exploring the options below:
Every Post https://everypost.me/pricing/
Stacker https://www.socialchamp.io/pricing/
dlvr.it https://dlvrit.com/pricing/
Stacker https://www.getstacker.com/pricing/
What's your favorite automation tool? Let me know at AnyVoices.com - or one one of our social media accounts!
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The Real Voice - Mel Allen is your host. Find out more about me at https://therealvoice.com