
  • iPhone 4 - Apple’s most painful product launch

    When Steve Jobs announced the iPhone 4 at WWDC 2010, it surprised no one. Tech blog Gizmodo had already spilled the tea two months earlier by publishing photographs of a lost prototype. Jobs was furious, but he found a way to turn the situation to his advantage.

    The design of the iPhone 4 set the standard for all subsequent models. And with innovative new features like FaceTime and the Retina Display, Jobs described it as the biggest leap forward since the original iPhone.

    iPhone 4 proved wildly popular, but the launch did not go smoothly. One month later, Jobs had to rush back from a family vacation in Hawaii to deal with “Antennagate,” a media frenzy over concerns about dropped calls. The institutional learnings Apple acquired from this PR nightmare continue to inform iPhone launches to this day.


    Original Gizmodo iPhone 4 leak coverage via the Internet Archive:

    Gourmet Haus Staudt:

    The guy who sold the iPhone 4 prototype to Gizmodo did a Reddit AMA:

    WWDC 2010 Keynote - iPhone 4 launch:

    Gizmodo Antennagate coverage:

    Jonathan Mann Antennagate song:

    Antennagate press conference:

    AnandTech iPhone 4 review:

    Kara Swisher’s Burn Book includes her account of asking Steve Jobs what he planned to do in the next ten years:

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  • Safari - how Apple built the engine that powers almost every modern web browser

    Safari is one of Apple’s most enduring and popular apps, with versions running on Mac, iPhone, iPad, and even Vision Pro. But it wasn’t always the behemoth we know today.

    When it launched in 2003, Safari faced fierce competition from Microsoft’s Internet Explorer, a bruiser of a browser with over 95% market share. Safari didn’t seem to stand a chance. And yet, just twelve years later, Microsoft gave up the fight, scrapping Internet Explorer in favor of Edge, a new app based on code borrowed from Safari.

    So, how did Safari deliver this knock-out blow? In this episode we go back to an era when Apple championed standards, interoperability, and open source. We’ll learn why Steve Jobs argued passionately against proprietary platforms. And we’ll discover how Apple handed its crown jewels over to a bitter rival.

    This is a David versus Goliath story of a plucky little web browser that went on to conquer the world.


    Full video of MacWorld SF 2003, where Steve Jobs introduced the first Safari beta.

    Don Melton, former director of internet technologies at Apple, explains how Safari got it’s name.

    Clip of Apple Worldwide Developers Conference 2007, where Steve Jobs introduces Safari for Windows.


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    1 時間 4 分
  • Newton MessagePad - the little device that left a huge legacy

    Apple launched its first handheld computing device way back in 1993. With no internet access, flaky handwriting recognition, and an eye-watering price tag, the Newton MessagePad never stood much chance of success. But the writing was really on the wall with the arrival of the PalmPilot, a cheaper, more compact alternative, with a breakthrough text input system.

    Inspired by the “Knowledge Navigator” concept video Apple published in 1987, the Newton MessagePad was ahead of its time, featuring bleeding-edge technologies like Assist, which enabled users to control the device using natural language, much like Siri today.

    Although Steve Jobs scrapped the Newton on his return to Apple in 1998, its legacy lives on to this day. Apple’s investment in the Newton’s processor paid off big-time, providing vital working capital during the company’s darkest hour, and spawning a line of processors that powers every Mac, iPhone, and iPad today.

    Featuring special guest D. Griffin Jones from The CultCast and Cult of Mac.


    Doonesbury “Egg Freckles” cartoon:

    Apple Knowledge Navigator Video:

    Michael Tchao pitched the idea of the Newton to Apple’s CEO, John Sculley:

    How Newton’s handwriting recognition software was acquired on a trip to: Moscow:

    How Griffin uses his MessagePad 2000 for playing Dungeons and Dragons:

    Inkwell - Newton handwriting recognition in Mac OS X:

    Newton and the ARM processor:

    eMate 3000

    Apple Newton Messagepad 2000 image:
    Ralf Pfeifer, GNU Free Documentation License

    Apple eMate 300 image:
    Felix Winkelnkemper, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license

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    51 分
  • iWork - Steve Jobs’ secret weapon

    Steve Jobs was famous for his keynote presentations, which combined showmanship with beautifully designed slides to generate his trademark ‘reality distortion field.’

    But what few people knew at the time was, he didn’t use a Mac to produce those slides. Not until 2002, at least. Instead he relied on a little-known app called Concurrence on his trusty NeXT computer.

    Jobs loved this app so much, he hired its creator to work on a top secret project at Apple. The result was Keynote, an app specially designed to meet Jobs exacting presentation requirements.

    Thanks to the power of Quartz, the Mac OS X graphics layer, the frame rate and silky-smooth 3D transitions of Keynote blew other presentation packages like PowerPoint out of the water.

    Keynote formed the basis of Apple’s iWork office productivity suite we know and love today.

    In this episode, we chart the thirty-year history of Apple office productivity apps, and consider what it tells us about the company’s changing business model.


    Concurrence screenshots

    Steve Jobs launches Keynote at MacWorld 2003

    Roger Rosner demos iWork ’05 at MacWorld 2005

    Apple announces completion of iWork suite with the addition of Numbers

    iPad launch

    Steve Jobs announces iWork with iCloud in his last keynote

    Plan for iWork overhaul announced at WWDC 2013

    Eddy Cue announces complete rewrite of all iWork apps with full file compatibility at a Special Event in October 2013

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    1 時間 3 分
  • Nike+iPod Sport Kit - Apple's first foray into fitness

    Apple’s interest in fitness products goes way back. In 2006, before Apple Watch was even a twinkle in Tim Cook’s eye, Steve Jobs took the stage with Nike CEO Mark Parker at an ultra-exclusive venue in New York City to announce the Nike+iPod Sport Kit.

    With a sensor that went into special Nike running shoes, and a receiver that plugged into your iPod, Nike+iPod was a pioneering product that helped define the emerging category of fitness wearables.

    It set the stage for products that would follow, including Apple Health and Apple Fitness+. And by partnering with Nike, Apple broadened the appeal of its brand, learned how to successfully roll out services, and raised its marketing game. Nike+iPod Sport Kit set a template for product launches that Apple still follows to this day.


    Apple press release for Nike+iPod Sport Kit launch

    Design of launch event at Chelsea Piers

    Puma RS Computer Shoe

    Nike+ Air Zoom Moire

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    1 時間 16 分
  • Mac OS 8 - A 'better than nothing' update that became a best seller

    When Steve Jobs returned to the company he founded in 1997, Apple was in disarray. After two failed attempts at a next-generation operating system, the Mac had been stuck on System 7 for years.

    The acquisition of Jobs' company, NeXT, offered a solution, with its NeXTSTEP operating system, which would form the basis of Mac OS X. But that was still three years away, and the Mac platform was already on life support.

    Jobs needed to take action fast. So, he salvaged bits from former failed projects and retrofitting them onto the aging System 7. The result was Mac OS 8. It wasn't a long term solution, but it did buy his engineers the time they needed to complete Mac OS X.

    Mac OS 8 proved to be a smash hit, selling 1.2 million copies in its first two weeks. The story of how this happened reveals an often overlooked side of Jobs - his ability to let go of his perfectionism and focus on what was possible, making pragmatic compromises that help to move platforms forward.


    MacOS 8 Packaging Photo: ShrineOfApple

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    42 分
  • AirPort - How Apple made wireless networking happen

    In 1999, Steve Jobs needed one more product launch to complete the four-computer matrix he introduced on his return to the company three years earlier. That product was the iBook—a portable version of the hugely popular iMac G3.

    iBook had a striking design with eye-popping colors. But what really set it apart was AirPort, Apple’s proprietary version of WiFi, which ushered in the age of wireless computing.

    AirPort was such a revolutionary concept that Jobs wanted to prove no wires were required. So he persuaded VP of Worldwide Marketing, Phil Schiller, to jump from a great height while holding an iBook, during a live keynote event.

    Based on industry-standard WiFi technology, the story of AirPort's launch, development, and eventual demise, provides a valuable insight into how Apple thinks about emerging standards and adopts them in its products.


    iBook & AirPort launch at MacWorld New York 1999
    49:20 iBook Introduction
    1:03:20 "One More Thing" - AirPort
    1:10:30 AirPort TV Ad
    1:14:15 Phil Schiller's AirPort death drop

    AirPort Base Station Teardown

    AirPort Card Image @ Ashley Pomeroy 2020

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