Armor of Light
- 著者: David Isaac Jones
- ポッドキャスト
As men, we are too often pulled in every other direction as life does what it does. There are far too many teachings, philosophies, fast philosophies, notions, quick phrases, concepts, theologies, and ideologies for us to choose from, and decide on which one we can establish a sure, certain, firm, and unshakeable foundation for ourselves and our lives - whether that be for our mental and physical fitness, our financial wellness, our relationships and interpersonal connections, emotional well-being, and most importantly, our soul and spirit - so we tend to become exhausted and/or discouraged by the plethora of options, decisions to be made, and the high demand upon us in our lives and circumstances, in contrast to what we feel the capacity of our spirit and the willpower of our soul can bear. Little do many of us know, our greatest capacities and abilities to excel, succeed, and endure all things skillfully and wisely are yet to be unchained and redeemed.
As a fellow man, I hear you, I see you, and I'm here to help you build up the tenacity of your mind, the dexterity of your heart and soul, and the potency, virtue, and benevolence of your spirit, Which all play a vital and integral role in your becoming the man that you and I both know you can be, and the man that your wife - or future wife - and children both need, want, and deserve, and the man that - whether your relationship with them is good or not - brings grace and honor upon your parents and forefathers, which also establishes a legend which will forever carry on authority in your last name.
As brothers in Christ, we are to be encouraging, uplifting, and directing each other towards the things of God alone, meanwhile fostering and proliferating holiness, righteousness, maturity, discipline, wisdom, sound teachings (for Godly edification), self-control, good habits, healthy bodies, minds, and lifestyles, balance in all things, peace, the love of and for God, faithfulness, accountability, and above all, The Gospel of Christ Jesus - the Son of God, Who is the One, through whom, all these things - and much more - come, by Way of His Holy Spirit abiding within us, bearing witness to our newness and revitalization in Christ, seeing to it that every good thing, and that every good work that the Lord our God has started in us shall be finished and complete.
We are to extend the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, and to do that, we must first help each other train by facilitating holiness and godliness in order to become apt enough to masterfully and skillfully bear and bridle such a powerful and epic sword as this.
As men - men of God and Brothers in Christ, life requires our highest expenditure, capacity, and our absolute best, and for many of us, is unrelenting at the times we most need merciful rest. Though, despite this fact, we are to strengthen ourselves and each other so that, when we become exhausted or feel discouraged, we can recoil with resilience and be amply supplied at full throttle. Therefore, rather than surrendering to the onerous aspects of life that we must all endure and becoming lackluster, complacent, passive, bad-mannered, foul-mouthed, unreliable and unfaithful men of disgrace, we ought to strengthen each other, we ought to build each other up in Godliness, in holiness, integrity, in honor and virtue, in masculinity, in righteousness, in wisdom - in truth...we ought to aim higher.
So, are you ready to become the man and warrior God created you to be?
Men, let's go higher for God, for our families, for our world, and for each other.
- David Isaac Jones