• 74 Misvot. Opportunities for eternal success in this world and Olam Haba
    6 分
  • Chase away the mother bird before taking her eggs. Listen for the Birds singing. Touching our Souls for Happiness!
    6 分
  • Basic Fundamentals of Emunah for Teshuva/Improvement
    5 分
  • Teshuva can clean All except the sin of Missing doing Misvot. Be a Doer. Our Purpose!
    7 分
  • Selihot. 13 Midot/Traits of Hashem for Us to emulate for improvement.
    7 分
  • Vital Stratagems for Rosh Hashana /Teshuba with love!
    7 分
  • 5 Step preparation for Rosh Hashana. Admit and Commit some improvement for Hayim!
    6 分
  • Be complete/perfect in Trust in Hashem. Misva of Bitahon!
    6 分