Asking for help from someone makes people feel uncomfortable and uneasy most of the time. This is because asking for help requires surrendering your control to someone else. The fear of being perceived as needy is another hard nut to crack when seeking help. Some people are also afraid that they'll be shunned or rejected if they ask for help.
Join us in this other powerful episode as we discuss the importance of asking for help, benefits, and how to deal with your ego and self-control to develop well as a person. We also share our stories and experiences in life as addicts and how we finally had a turning point, and life took a paradigm new shift.
In this episode, you will learn about:[00:20] My turning point in life
[03:10] Why do we need to ask for help
[06:03] The secret of wealthy people
[09:15] Accepting to become vulnerable is the first step to recovery
[10:06] Where you can get help from
[11:19] What you should do once you get the help you need
[13:49] My journey to recovery
[15:45] Difference between asking for help, and someone enabling you
[19:09] Episode take away
Notable Quotes- Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. It is a bold step for the strong.
- In life, you will never get all the answers that you need by yourself. You will need help at some point.
- Wealthy people network a lot. They have no problem asking for help.
- The more successful you want to be, the more help you will need along the way.
- Find somebody more successful than you, and copy what they did
- If you meet people who are successful in doing something, they love to talk about it. Snatch that opportunity
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Tommy Gucciardo
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Two Guys From Queens
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