🏡 Ali Bozic | eXp Real Estate Agent | Founder of Infinterest Ali Bozic, is beyond excited for the opportunity to Own Her Awkward! Passionate about upgrading the home buying and selling experience, She is a dedicated eXp Real Estate Agent and the driving force behind Infinterest. With Infinterest, Ali is launching a groundbreaking approach to showcasing properties by connecting real estate agents with local business owners to create vibrant pop-up shops inside open houses. Ali specializes in leveraging unique strategies to ensure her clients' properties receive the attention they deserve. By partnering with local businesses through Infinterest, they not only attract more potential buyers but also create dynamic, immersive experiences that leave a lasting impression. Beyond her role as an agent, Ali is deeply invested in the success of Infinterest and its mission to revolutionize the industry. By bridging the gap between real estate agents and local businesses, they aren't not just selling properties; they're creating vibrant communities and fostering meaningful connections. Watch the Infinterest pop-up events in action: https://youtu.be/p5cKBPqIU_M?si=2-G8AXWvpGArOrHg https://youtu.be/OizQtFoKCik?si=jkveRdUtu0hA24Eo Connect with Ali Bozic online: https://infinterest.com/ https://www.facebook.com/OpenHousePopUps https://www.instagram.com/stories/open_house_pop_ups/ https://www.tiktok.com/@open_house_pop_ups Get merch, join a course and more! Check out all the ways you can support this show and host at: https://linktr.ee/OwnYourAwkward For more information on how you can Own Your Awkward with Andy Vargo, check out https://www.awkwardcareer.com/ #podcast #awkward #ownyourawkward #acceptance #authenticity #motivation #inspiration #coach #connection #energy #positive #tacoma #community #realestate #popup #local #smallbusiness #artist #marketing #agents