
  • Dax' AMAZING Abuse Survival Story (The LAST Babble On The Great episode!)

    In the last Babble On The Great podcast we talk about the abuse that Dax suffered under MyLittlePIMO, how Wally from JW Thoughts chose to defend a rapist against his victim, and how Dax survived it all.

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    1 時間 22 分
  • 11 - Why Jehovah's Witnesses Don't Celebrate Christmas (But Should Celebrate Hanukkah)

    Dax, Caleb, and MyLittlePIMO chat about how the Jehovah's Witnesses (don't) celebrate Christmas, how they gaslight themselves into thinking they hate it and this episode isn't late what are you even talking about.

    We talk about how Jehovah's Witnesses don't celebrate anything based on "it's pagan" and make an argument of why Jehovah's Witnesses should definitely celebrate Hanukkah.

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    1 時間 12 分
  • 10 - The 5 Degrees Of Shunning in the Jehovah's Witnesses

    Jehovah's Witnesses have a systematic and organized shunning policy, and no one, sons, parents, friends, or daughters, is immune to it. Dax, Caleb, and MyLittlePIMO break apart the intricacies and degrees of shunning, from informal shunning to public disfellowshipping, and show you how Jehovah's Witnesses are currently shunning you too.

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    1 時間 19 分
  • 09 - The Crazy JW Broadcasting September 2022 (With Stephen Lett) + Dat Porn Stash

    My Little PIMO, Dax, and ExJW Caleb are back examining the latest broadcasting episode, featuring a talk against listening to anyone telling believers anything negative about the religion.

    We also see the new Jade and Neeta dramatization, and ExJW Caleb simps for Jade while calling her Neeta.

    We also start by watching anti-porn propaganda in a short video featuring a man with a magnificent porn stash.

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    1 時間 54 分
  • 08 - The Most Unscientific Beliefs We Held As Jehovah's Witnesses (ft. Harrison Cother )

    Harrison Cother joins Dax, Caleb, and MyLittlePIMO to talk about the most unscientific beliefs they all had to believe as Jehovah's Witnesses. We talk about human de-evolution, humans not being animals, and Peems and Caleb also have topics idk it's late

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    1 時間 41 分
  • 07 - The JW Checklist: Preaching Jehovah's Name Door to Door

    Is Jehovah God's name? No. But Jehovah's Witnesses believe preaching that name door to door is necessary for salvation. Dax, Caleb, and MyLittlePIMO talk about preaching, the Tetragrammaton, Super Jesus, and how shitty Amnon was.

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    1 時間 8 分
  • 06 - JW Broadcasting May 2022 (With Mark Sanderson)

    Dax, ExJW Caleb, and MyLittlePIMO go through the Broadcasting for MAY 2022, and try to find how the Governing Body at Bethel will use this episode to make Jehovah's Witnesses cry, remind people to go to the meetings, and further establish their religion. as a personality-based cult.

    This episode was generously edited pro-bono by Abbey. Hire her here: https://abbeydotproductions.com/

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    1 時間 51 分
  • 05 - How Jehovah's Witnesses Use Soft Powers (ft. TheFallingTower)

    Dax, Caleb, and MyLittlePIMO somehow con Matt from TheFallingTower into joining them to talk about soft powers, how they work, and how the Jehovah's Witnesses use it.

    Harass Matt into releasing new videos here: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheFallingTower

    This episode was generously edited pro-bono by Abbey. Hire her here: https://abbeydotproductions.com/

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    2 時間 1 分