“More than a songwriter, I’m an artist, “declares Troy Yeager, lead singer of Bottle Rocket Blue, “I have a need to create in whatever I’m doing.” Troy and I unpack the influences and the crafting of “Baby One More Shot” a staple of the Bottle Rocket Blue shows. Troy and I wrote the song together in September of 2003, on the day Johnny Cash died. Towards the end of the interview you’ll hear rare, live clips from BRB shows in the ‘00s. Stream [Bottle Rocket Blue](https://open.spotify.com/artist/23RYqtavqg1rK2XAVivzRf?si=8jFmpBaNQy-Om4jGKo9--Ab). Check out Troy’s podcast https://theflipsidepodcast.weebly.com/ more on Tom https://www.tomadamsonmusic.com