
  • Should I Lift If I'm Tired? - Beast Over Burden - #593

    Should I lift if I'm tired? It depends, on your tendencies, goals, experience, normal state, and more. We help you answer for yourself if you should lift today.

    Should I Train if I'm Tired? Experience & Tendencies

    You're going to feel tired sometimes. What do you do if you feel tired? Should you train?

    It depends.

    Niki recently felt tired and ended up taking a nap instead of training. She has learned, over years and decades of training, that this occurs regularly, she knows she will train the next day. Niki loves training and knows she will train the next day.

    You may begin to find similar patterns. Remember, though, most people seek to avoid training, so know your tendencies.

    Andrew shares a different experience, where for a long period of time he was sleep-deprived and always tired. He has had to learn, over time, that he would feel better after training, but he also had to reduce the expectations. If he never trained when he was tired, he would never exercise. Expecting the weight to go up every workout, however, is creates a loop of disappointment, guilt, and can lead to missed training.

    Should I Train if I'm Tired? Take Ownership of Your Training

    Regardless of your decision, you have to own your decision and your training. If you skip today, own it, know why you did it, and do not let it break your training habit.

    If you train, own that as well. Expecting PRs or the prescribed weight and volume may be counterproductive. Rather, aim to maintain the habit.

    This is about behaviors and patterns that contribute to your quality of life and long-term goals. This is not about hacks, short cuts, or other snake oil. You have to put in the work over the long haul.

    Should I train if I am tired? Find out!

    PS - If you're interested in taking online coaching with Barbell Logic for a test run, check it out here.

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  • Moving Your Personal Training Clients Online: Online Coaching Business Model - Coaching Success - #592

    Learn about moving your personal training clients online - how to do it and how it improves your online coaching business model & life.

    Matt Reynolds interviews Matt Fever, a coach at Barbell Logic, who discusses how we transitioned from personal trainer to professional coach to professional online coach, and how he have moved his in-person clients from in-person to online.

    Moving Your Personal Training Clients Online: Online Coaching Business Model

    Successfully transitioning your clients from in-person to online makes a ton of sense for your quality of life and business model as a strength coach.

    The biggest value of in-person training comes primarily during those initial sessions, when often drastic technique changes need to be made and you develop a relationship grounded in trust, expertise, and benevolence.

    As the relationship progresses, however, the value of in-person coaching decreases. Form correction becomes less frequent and less drastic, whereas programming changes become more complicated and necessary.

    Asynchronous online coaching allows the client to lift wherever and whenever is convenient, and then the coach to respond within 24-48 hours wherever or whenever works for the coach.

    It increases the dollar-per-hour pay to the coach while decreasing the cost to the client.

    How to Move Your Personal Training Clients Online: Make More Money & Improve Your Quality of Life

    Matt Fever has made the transition from personal trainer and leader of group classes to professional coach. Attending an in-person lifting seminar with Barbell Logic was a turning point, as Matt Fever signed up for the Academy, started receiving online coaching from Matt Reynolds, and really honed his knowledge and expertise and learned about the online coaching business model.

    He has been transitioning his clients from in-person to online. This has allowed him to spend more time with his family. It has also led to his clients having higher compliance, as he can coach when he is on vacation (whereas previously he could not coach and did not get paid). His clients can also lift and receiving coaching if they travel.

    Moving your personal training clients online dramatically improves your quality of life and helps you develop a successful online coaching business model.

    PS - This podcast is brought to you by TurnKey Coach. Enhance your coaching effectiveness and efficiency with TurnKey Coach. You can learn more by going HERE.

    Check out Coaching 101 - the new Academy course designed to cover the basics of coaching. It's leaner and tighter than our other offerings (and cheaper).

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  • How to Get Your Back Back - Beast Over Burden - #591

    Learn how to get your back back after a chronic injury. It takes patience, focus on recovery, and a focus on what is truly important.

    How to Get Your Back Back: What Is Your Goal?

    You have to remember what your goal is. What matters most to you?

    Niki had an emotional attachment, built over years with baked-in assumptions she had to reevaluate, about the need for the weight on the bar to go up on a few lifts in a limited rep range.

    She had to ditch this as the metric that mattered.

    What she REALLY wanted was to build muscle mass, enjoy the gym, and limit or eliminate pain. Dreading the gym and waking up in pain every morning was not working.

    Do you HAVE to deadlift to build muscle mass? No you do not. We love the deadlift, but if the deadlift is causing you to hate your workouts and be in pain all the time, then it is not moving you closer to your goals and you should ditch the deadlift.

    Niki also decided to stop BJJ. While she enjoyed it, she was underrecovered and it was not bringing her closer to her most important goals.

    How to Get Your Back Back: Patience

    Instead of lifting heavy, Niki had to reduce stress and prioritize recovery. This first looked like lighter bodyweight and light implement movements. Then it moved onto machines. For Niki, the jump to machines was huge, because she was able to train hard without making her back worse.

    Ironically, the crooked path toward her goal has brought her closer to PRs than the path of beating her head (or maybe her back) against the wall of pain, frustration, and trying to do the program.

    She had to train curious and see if the exercise hurt, be ready to modify the weight or range of motion. She had to emotionally detach from weight on the bar. She had to rather focus on other things - did she wake up in pain. Did her back hurt during the workout?

    Waking up without pain was a win aligned with her goals that was worth celebrating.

    Learn how to get your back back.

    PS - If you're interested in taking online coaching with Barbell Logic for a test run, check it out here.

    Check out the Barbell Logic podcast landing page.

    Get Matched with a Professional Strength Coach today for FREE!
    No contract with us, just commitment to yourself: Start experiencing strength now: https://store.barbell-logic.com/match/
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    31 分
  • Time Audit: Know Where Your Time is Going - Coaching Success - #590
    Use a time audit to know where your time is going, enhance your efficiency & effectiveness, and boost your productivity. This simple tool may transform your life. Time Audit: Why It Matters - Know Where Your Time is Going You are your biggest time waster. You may feel that others (e.g. your boss, kids, etc.) waste most of your time, but a couple things in response to this notion of your. One, you cannot fully control these things. Two, insofar as you can control them, it often comes with how you react to them, approach them, or major life overhauls (e.g. changing jobs). C. Northcote Parkinson describe in a 1955 essay in the Economist what has called Parkinson's Law - works expands to fill the available time. If you give yourself a month to complete a task, it will take a month. That same work could have taken you a week or day if you had assigned that amount of time. Ultimately, this has limits (you cannot assign a nanosecond to something and assume it will get done), but this law has value. Instead of considering it a negative reality, give yourself less time and hold yourself accountable. Work to develop better habits of time management. Just like nutrition or budgeting, worst knowing what you are consuming or how you are spending helps you begin to modify your actions. Time Audit: What It Is & How To Do It A time audit is a method to track how you spend your time over a given period. It helps you identify non-urgent, non-important tasks you can eliminate and urgent tasks you can delegate. Additionally, you will likely fine that the simple act of completing the time audit will improve your time management actions. Track blocks of time down to the 15 or 30-minute increment for one week. If something takes less than that time, you can write that down. Matt has a 15-minute timer that he uses. When it goes off, he quickly jots down what he did. Matt uses Clockify, but you could use a spreadsheet or pen and paper. You can read an article Matt recently wrote about the time audit here. You may also be interested in reading Dan Martell's book Buy Back Your Time. Matt recommends, even if you have done pretty well with time management, doing this annually or bi-annually to check-in and continue to improve your time management. PS - This podcast is brought to you by TurnKey Coach. Enhance your coaching effectiveness and efficiency with TurnKey Coach. You can learn more by going HERE. Check out Coaching 101 - the new Academy course designed to cover the basics of coaching. It's leaner and tighter than our other offerings (and cheaper). Check out the Barbell Logic podcast landing page. Get Matched with a Professional Strength Coach today for FREE! No contract with us, just commitment to yourself: Start experiencing strength now: https://store.barbell-logic.com/match/ Connect with the hosts Matt on InstagramNiki on InstagramAndrew on Instagram Connect with the show Barbell Logic on InstagramPodcast WebpageBarbell Logic on FacebookOr email podcast@barbell-logic.com
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  • Prioritizing Your Health - Beast Over Burden - #589

    Prioritizing your health helps boost all other priorities in your life. Respect yourself and your boundaries and learn how to prioritize your health, no matter what.

    How to Prioritize Your Health: Set & Protect Boundaries

    Do not allow work travel or other obligations cause you to abandon your priorities. If you lose your health your work and those other responsibilities will suffer.

    Prioritizing your health means understanding this is important to you and putting time and effort into it, even when time and effort is severely limited.

    When you fail to prioritize your health, not only does your work suffer, but you will likely feel growing resentment, as you have failed to defend your goals and have your actions reflect your core values.

    Prioritizing Your Health During Travel & Difficult Times

    For Andrew and Niki, investing in health during travel looks like consistently getting to the gym, maintaining a habit of walking, and picking better food choices.

    This does not mean two hour workouts or the same diet one might eat during a strenuous cut.

    It means, however, ensuring you maintaining the habit of exercise and working toward your goals. It means attempting to get 10,000 steps. It means looking for healthier food options, prioritizing protein and fiber insofar as you can.

    You cannot completely let your guard down. You cannot relax your standards with reckless abandon. This is not how you accomplish your goals long-term.

    This is especially important and true if you travel regularly.

    Prioritizing your health means respecting yourself, your goals, and your boundaries.

    PS - If you're interested in taking online coaching with Barbell Logic for a test run, check it out here.

    Check out the Barbell Logic podcast landing page.

    Get Matched with a Professional Strength Coach today for FREE!
    No contract with us, just commitment to yourself: Start experiencing strength now: https://store.barbell-logic.com/match/
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  • Don't Let Freedom Lead to Laziness - Coaching Success - #588

    Don't be lazy because of the freedom that comes from being a business owner or your own boss.

    Don't Be Lazy: You Can Do More

    Most people do not do enough. The evidence for this is all the time people waste performing non-important, unurgent tasks such as watching TikTok, doom-scrolling through Twitter, or binge-watching Netflix.

    Do not build walls around your time that should not exist. "It's unhealthy to work on the weekend" or "I deserve to not work on the weekend" can be the difference between your business succeeding and growing or failing.

    You have more time than you think. You can do more than you think. This does not mean that you do not enjoy time with your family or in leisure activities. People, however, by and large, are too lazy. People generally do less than they can.

    Don't Be Lazy Because of Your Freedom

    Business owners and the self-employed enjoy the freedom to set their own schedules and choose how to spend their time. This may be the single greatest aspect of starting a business or being your own boss.

    If you give in to your worst tendencies, however, you will not do enough. You will choose laziness.

    Matt, for example, gets up early to complete urgent tasks when no one else is awake. He does this on the weekend as well, which leaves him ready to perform on Monday as the CEO. He does not begin work Monday morning having to catch up on email.

    Don't let freedom lead to laziness. Don't be lazy, but rather do the work.

    PS - This podcast is brought to you by TurnKey Coach. Enhance your coaching effectiveness and efficiency with TurnKey Coach. You can learn more by going HERE.

    Check out Coaching 101 - the new Academy course designed to cover the basics of coaching. It's leaner and tighter than our other offerings (and cheaper).

    Check out the Barbell Logic podcast landing page.

    Get Matched with a Professional Strength Coach today for FREE!
    No contract with us, just commitment to yourself: Start experiencing strength now: https://store.barbell-logic.com/match/
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  • Powerlifting Meet: Performance Under Pressure - Beast Over Burden - #587

    A powerlifting meet gives lifters and coaches an opportunity for performance under pressure. Learn the whys, hows, and whats of powerlifting meets. Learn about this and the exciting new International Barbell Federation (IBF).

    Powerlifting Meets for Everyday Lifters

    You don't have to be a 700 lb deadlifter to benefit from a strengthlifting meet.

    People of all ages and backgrounds have found the purpose-organizing power of signing up for and preparing for a meet.

    Putting the meet on the calendar gives a time and place where you need to perform. It helps you organize your training, eating, even vacations and such around this.

    Sometimes, this is not appropriate. You might not want to schedule this when life is throwing you severe involuntary hardship.

    Still, novices and experienced lifters, young and elderly, the painfully average or elite can benefit from adding this to their training. As a coach, the best way to get better at helping lifters at meets is to have your lifters go through meets. Second best way is going through a meet yourself.

    Powerlifting Meet: The Power of the Platform

    Beyond the training-organizing function, the environment of a meet - especially an in-person meet - is powerful.

    People regularly experience PRs as they get cheered on.

    On the other hand, the unique elements of a meet can throw people curve balls. You have judges and an open platform (as opposed to staring at a wall). You have less control over when you lift and have weird equipment and clothing. Judges may give you commands. You have to handle emotions.

    With all this, it is certainly an experience worth having under your belt as a lifter and coach.

    Try a powerlifting meet or strengthlifting meet, so you can perform under pressure.

    PS - If you're interested in taking online coaching with Barbell Logic for a test run, check it out here.

    Check out the Barbell Logic podcast landing page.

    Get Matched with a Professional Strength Coach today for FREE!
    No contract with us, just commitment to yourself: Start experiencing strength now: https://store.barbell-logic.com/match/
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  • Pick Your Battles - Coaching Success - #586

    Pick your battles for tranquility, happiness, peace, & prosperity. Assume the best in others, and work toward goal accomplishment.

    Pick Your Battles: Cool, Calm, Collected

    Someone in the All In conference Matt, Niki, Andrew, & Josh recently attended said "that's below my line."

    What does this mean? It means certain things should be below "your line" that stirs up your anger.

    Of course, anger is an emotion, and emotions arise sometimes whether you want them to or not. That being said, you should avoid outrage culture, and if you find yourself dominated by your passions, you should step back and deal with it.

    Matt has identified that addressing a situation in anger almost never works out well. This does not just mean yelling or punishment, but even talking in anger - it usually does not come off well.

    If accomplishing the goal is the goal, and anger does not help, then don't lean into the anger. Acknowledge, overcome, and try to make peace.

    Pick Your Battles: Assume the Best

    One component of picking your battles is assuming the best in others, especially others who have built up a level of trust with you.

    You cannot be in a healthy relationship with your spouse or really any other important person in your life if you assume the worst possible motives for their actions.

    Reach out to the other person and listen. Winning an argument or seeking to dominate conversation is not a good way to reach understanding or peace.

    Pick your battles, seek peace, and overcome anger and other passions.

    PS - This podcast is brought to you by TurnKey Coach. Enhance your coaching effectiveness and efficiency with TurnKey Coach. You can learn more by going HERE.

    Check out Coaching 101 - the new Academy course designed to cover the basics of coaching. It's leaner and tighter than our other offerings (and cheaper).

    Check out the Barbell Logic podcast landing page.

    Get Matched with a Professional Strength Coach today for FREE!
    No contract with us, just commitment to yourself: Start experiencing strength now: https://store.barbell-logic.com/match/
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