
  • Social Responsibility Trial - REVIEWED

    What is the SR test?

    How does it work?

    How can I maximise points?

    Are points "worth it"

    Find out now!

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    25 分
  • You've made them REACTIVE? We can FIX THAT!

    Living with an on lead reactive dog...sux!

    In this episode you will learn from my experience, knowledge and wisdom to give you strategies for understanding how it started and how you can end it!

    Lead Reactivity can appear quite savage and violent, yet, it is in many cases quicker to be resolved than it at first appears!

    Listen in for a 6 step process on dealing with Lead Based Reactivity

    If you are affected by your reactive dog - lets face it, you should be - please do get in touch with me today:

    Email: Stu can be mailed here

    Web: Home Page 

    Facebook Discussion Group: Join us with free lives, tutorials, advice and support 24/7

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    42 分
  • Soulcrushing Obedience - How to wreck a dog and how to develop a dog with Obedience

    Obedience training has a bad rap in some circles. 

    Did you know that the Obedience Training skillset is one that will set  you and your dog free? 

    In this episode we will see how you can manage to crush your dogs soul.

    More importantly we will learn how we can avoid soulcrushing obedience by learning a handful of great strategies for dog training in general. 

    Let me know what you got out of it!

    Share this episode on your social platforms.

    Subscribe to my channel for more great episodes!

    Social Handle: @barefootpaws


    Email me directly at: admin@barefootpaws.com.au

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    32 分
  • Preparing your Dog for learning

    If your not using the best ways to train a dog then you will feel:

    Sick of your dog blowing you off!

    Frustrated with your dog paying you  attention at home but not in public!

    That your dog sometimes does what  you want but blows you off the rest of the time?  

    This ONE drill, done in less than 5mins will have your dog hanging off  of you wherever you go.  The Runway drill is THE best drill to ensure that your student brings  with them never before seen ENTHUSIASM into your sessions, they will  deliver maximum EFFORT to give you the shortest journey to them  EXECUTING what you want.  

    Let me know what you got out of it!  

    Share this Episode on your social platforms.  

    Subscribe to my channel for more great Episodes!  


    Email me directly at: admin@barefootpaws.com.au

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    12 分
  • S1E21 - Reactive Dog - Enrichment - Capturing the old them and happy you

    In Season1 Episode21  we look at Enrichment strategies that will - ultimately bring the juice back into your relationship between you and your dog.

    • We look at Symptomatic Vs Root Cause treatment plans
    • Driving out of Defense Ditch and into Social City
    • Building Confidence in you in your dog and between both of you
    • Using Luring, Agility, Chairs and Ladders to provide enriching challenges to rise to
    • How to exploit adversity in an adaptive and civil manner

    This episode is about removing our supporting role from the trigger and becoming part of the solution for our reactive dog.

    If you are affected by your reactive dog - lets face it, you should be - please do get in touch with me today:

    Email: Stu can be mailed here

    Web: Home Page 

    Facebook Discussion Group: Join us with free lives, tutorials, advice and support 24/7

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    58 分
  • S1E20 - Emotional Stability of my reactive dog - The Operant Capacity Check


    My dogs reactive!

    What do I do????

    This is an episode where we explore your reactive dogs mindset - "mood" - when they are being triggered and how we can plan on making some strategic decisions about whether to push on with or pull out of the session.

    For all questions related to this episode and others come over to the Barefoot Paws Discussion Group

    Doing it alone with a reactive dog is risky. Really risky! I would love to help you out or at least recommend you to someone near you who can help!

    Reach out to me at: Email me now!

    Come and see me at: Barefoot Paws Homepage

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    53 分
  • S1E19 - Help my dog is REACTIVE

    Is your dog reactive?

    Listen to this episode as we start a journey into looking at our dogs reactivity and how we can manage, handle and rehabilitate a reactive dog.

    If you are affected by your dogs reactivity it can be isolating, anxiety inducing and frightful.

    Take a positive step forwards in dealing with your problem by listening to this episode. Together we can make a difference in you and your dogs life.

    To contact me directly email me at: barefootpaws@mail.com

    You can find out more about me at: Barefoot Paws homepage

    We would love to see you over at the FREE community group: Barefoot Paws Discussion Group

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    42 分
  • S1E18 Social Systems of dogs

    Welcome to Episode 18!

    This week we are taking the social systems of dogs under the magnifying glass and looking at some way in which we can reduce the risk of aggravation around the home.

    We highlight how dogs are driven towards specific goals and that each dog has their own different agenda.

    Also discussed is what to look for in yourself and how to gauge what your capable of managing and resolving.

    Dogs are social animals with some similarities to their wild kin, however through artificial selection they have a behavioural range very different to those wild cousins. As such, we have to look at our dogs differently and impose tighter management and lifestyle choices externally that our dogs otherwise would not. This ensures that we are able to reduce the risk of dog fights, maximise the harmony within our household and enjoy our dogs better in general.

    This episode is the genesis for a deeper dive - over the course of multiple episodes - of the social aspects of dogs.

    To contact me directly email me at: barefootpaws@mail.com

    You can find out more about me at: Barefoot Paws homepage

    We would love to see you over at the FREE community group: Barefoot Paws Discussion Group

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    1 時間 2 分