
  • Check in

    How are you spending your time? Try this quick reflection tool and simple practice for exploring what brings you joy.

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    6 分
  • Savoring

    Savoring is a skill and with practice we can develop the skill of savoring that can have a ripple effect on your mind and overall well-being. Here I discuss tips on building your savoring endurance.

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    6 分
  • Exhale & Let Go of Stress
    Try some breathing techniques, geek out to some fascinating things our breath can do and if nothing else remember to exhale!
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    7 分
  • Let's Talk about Weight Loss

    3 things I think are not often part of the weight loss conversation that I hope helps your healthy journey

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    7 分
  • Body Scan

    Try this practice to feel more grounded, balanced and connected

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    7 分
  • Just Pause

    Try a 2 minute pause in between meetings or as you transition from work to home. 

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    3 分
  • Loving Kindness

    loving-kindness meditation practices build one's capacity for altruistic behavior such as compassion, empathy and kindness and even reduces bias.

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    8 分
  • Optimal Health

    Let's discuss what optimal health means & how to create healthy habits. Where can you take a pause before you respond?

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    5 分