• Beneath the Snow: A Library Tale of Rediscovery

  • 2025/01/11
  • 再生時間: 17 分
  • ポッドキャスト

Beneath the Snow: A Library Tale of Rediscovery

  • サマリー

  • Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Beneath the Snow: A Library Tale of Rediscovery Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-01-11-08-38-20-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Matejevi koraki so tiho odzvanjali po trdnih tleh vaške knjižnice v Radovljici.En: Matej's steps softly echoed on the solid floors of the village library in Radovljica.Sl: Zima je potrkavala na vrata, sneg je mehko padal skozi okna, ki so nudila pogled na belo pokrajino.En: Winter was knocking at the door, snow gently falling through the windows that offered a view of the white landscape.Sl: Notranjost knjižnice je bila topla in prijetna, kot zavetje pred hladnim zunaj.En: The interior of the library was warm and pleasant, like a haven from the cold outside.Sl: Visoke knjižne police so bile polne zgodb in zgornje luči so nežno osvetljevale prostor.En: Tall bookshelves were full of stories, and the overhead lights gently illuminated the space.Sl: Matej je bil zaposlen in introvertiran knjižnični asistent, ki se je bližal osebni prelomnici.En: Matej was a diligent and introverted library assistant, approaching a personal turning point.Sl: Po smrti njegovega ljubljenega dedka ni vedel, kako naj se premakne naprej.En: After the death of his beloved grandfather, he didn't know how to move forward.Sl: Njegova sestra Nina je bila praktična.En: His sister Nina was practical.Sl: Vedno je imela polne roke dela s svojo družino in kariero.En: She always had her hands full with her family and career.Sl: Matej je bil zato pogosto sam s svojimi mislimi.En: Therefore, Matej was often alone with his thoughts.Sl: Zala, njuna mlajša sestrična, se je neobičajno in pogumno soočila z žalostjo.En: Zala, their younger cousin, faced grief unconventionally and bravely.Sl: Zala je prišla v Radovljico s svežimi idejami.En: Zala came to Radovljica with fresh ideas.Sl: Hotela je pomagati Mateju, da najde pot iz svoje rute.En: She wanted to help Matej find a way out of his rut.Sl: Nekega zimskega jutra, ko je zmrzovalo, sta Matej in Zala sedela v knjižnici.En: One frosty winter morning, Matej and Zala sat in the library.Sl: "Matej, stari oče je rad pripovedoval zgodbe.En: "Matej, grandfather loved telling stories.Sl: Kaj če bi organiziral dogodek tukaj?En: What if you organized an event here?"Sl: " je predlagala Zala z nasmehom.En: suggested Zala with a smile.Sl: "Večeri zgodb za prebivalce?En: "Storytelling evenings for the residents?Sl: Toliko jih je imel rad.En: He loved them so much."Sl: "Matej je bil sprva negotov.En: Matej was initially unsure.Sl: "Nisem prepričan, če sem za to," je dejal potiho.En: "I'm not sure if I'm up for it," he said quietly.Sl: Ampak srce mu je zaigralo ob misli na dedkov vpliv in radost, ki jo prinašajo zgodbe.En: But his heart leapt at the thought of his grandfather's influence and the joy that stories bring.Sl: Nina se mu je pridružila pri kosilu in ga bodrila: "Brat, to je izvrstna ideja.En: Nina joined him for lunch and encouraged him: "Brother, this is a brilliant idea.Sl: Dedek bi bil ponosen.En: Grandfather would be proud."Sl: "Po mnogih premislekih je Matej le sprejel izziv.En: After much contemplation, Matej accepted the challenge.Sl: Organiziral je dogodek za vse vaščane.En: He organized an event for all the villagers.Sl: Knjižnica se je tisti večer spremenila v toplo, svetlo srce skupnosti.En: That evening, the library transformed into the warm, bright heart of the community.Sl: Ljudje so prihajali, nekateri s svojimi zgodbami, drugi s poslušalskimi ušesi.En: People came, some with their stories, others with listening ears.Sl: Med dogodkom so se delile zgodbe srca.En: During the event, stories of the heart were shared.Sl: Nekatere so bile o preteklih zimah, druge o skritih spominih.En: Some were about past winters, others about hidden memories.Sl: Ko je Zala stopila naprej in delila neznano zgodbo o dedku, je Matej na novo videl dedkove korenine in njegove pustolovske navdihe, ki jih prej ni poznal.En: When Zala stepped forward and shared an unknown story about their grandfather, Matej saw new roots and adventurous inspirations of his grandfather that he hadn't known before.Sl: Ta izkušnja je Mateja globoko ganila.En: This experience deeply moved Matej.Sl: Videti, kako so zgodbe povezale ljudi, mu je dalo moč.En: Seeing how stories connected people gave him strength.Sl: Ugotovil je, da si želi tudi sam ustvarjati.En: He realized he wanted to create too.Sl: V njemu je vzplamtela želja po pisanju, ki jo je pred leti opustil.En: A desire to write, which he had abandoned years ago, ignited within him.Sl: Ko so se luči ugasnile, je zima še vedno plezala po oknih.En: When the lights went out, winter was still crawling up the windows.Sl: A v Matejevem srcu je začela rasti toplina.En: But in Matej's heart, warmth began to grow.Sl: Bil je pripravljen narediti prvi, drzen korak proti pisanju.En: He was ready to take the first, bold step towards writing.Sl: ...
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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Beneath the Snow: A Library Tale of Rediscovery Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-01-11-08-38-20-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Matejevi koraki so tiho odzvanjali po trdnih tleh vaške knjižnice v Radovljici.En: Matej's steps softly echoed on the solid floors of the village library in Radovljica.Sl: Zima je potrkavala na vrata, sneg je mehko padal skozi okna, ki so nudila pogled na belo pokrajino.En: Winter was knocking at the door, snow gently falling through the windows that offered a view of the white landscape.Sl: Notranjost knjižnice je bila topla in prijetna, kot zavetje pred hladnim zunaj.En: The interior of the library was warm and pleasant, like a haven from the cold outside.Sl: Visoke knjižne police so bile polne zgodb in zgornje luči so nežno osvetljevale prostor.En: Tall bookshelves were full of stories, and the overhead lights gently illuminated the space.Sl: Matej je bil zaposlen in introvertiran knjižnični asistent, ki se je bližal osebni prelomnici.En: Matej was a diligent and introverted library assistant, approaching a personal turning point.Sl: Po smrti njegovega ljubljenega dedka ni vedel, kako naj se premakne naprej.En: After the death of his beloved grandfather, he didn't know how to move forward.Sl: Njegova sestra Nina je bila praktična.En: His sister Nina was practical.Sl: Vedno je imela polne roke dela s svojo družino in kariero.En: She always had her hands full with her family and career.Sl: Matej je bil zato pogosto sam s svojimi mislimi.En: Therefore, Matej was often alone with his thoughts.Sl: Zala, njuna mlajša sestrična, se je neobičajno in pogumno soočila z žalostjo.En: Zala, their younger cousin, faced grief unconventionally and bravely.Sl: Zala je prišla v Radovljico s svežimi idejami.En: Zala came to Radovljica with fresh ideas.Sl: Hotela je pomagati Mateju, da najde pot iz svoje rute.En: She wanted to help Matej find a way out of his rut.Sl: Nekega zimskega jutra, ko je zmrzovalo, sta Matej in Zala sedela v knjižnici.En: One frosty winter morning, Matej and Zala sat in the library.Sl: "Matej, stari oče je rad pripovedoval zgodbe.En: "Matej, grandfather loved telling stories.Sl: Kaj če bi organiziral dogodek tukaj?En: What if you organized an event here?"Sl: " je predlagala Zala z nasmehom.En: suggested Zala with a smile.Sl: "Večeri zgodb za prebivalce?En: "Storytelling evenings for the residents?Sl: Toliko jih je imel rad.En: He loved them so much."Sl: "Matej je bil sprva negotov.En: Matej was initially unsure.Sl: "Nisem prepričan, če sem za to," je dejal potiho.En: "I'm not sure if I'm up for it," he said quietly.Sl: Ampak srce mu je zaigralo ob misli na dedkov vpliv in radost, ki jo prinašajo zgodbe.En: But his heart leapt at the thought of his grandfather's influence and the joy that stories bring.Sl: Nina se mu je pridružila pri kosilu in ga bodrila: "Brat, to je izvrstna ideja.En: Nina joined him for lunch and encouraged him: "Brother, this is a brilliant idea.Sl: Dedek bi bil ponosen.En: Grandfather would be proud."Sl: "Po mnogih premislekih je Matej le sprejel izziv.En: After much contemplation, Matej accepted the challenge.Sl: Organiziral je dogodek za vse vaščane.En: He organized an event for all the villagers.Sl: Knjižnica se je tisti večer spremenila v toplo, svetlo srce skupnosti.En: That evening, the library transformed into the warm, bright heart of the community.Sl: Ljudje so prihajali, nekateri s svojimi zgodbami, drugi s poslušalskimi ušesi.En: People came, some with their stories, others with listening ears.Sl: Med dogodkom so se delile zgodbe srca.En: During the event, stories of the heart were shared.Sl: Nekatere so bile o preteklih zimah, druge o skritih spominih.En: Some were about past winters, others about hidden memories.Sl: Ko je Zala stopila naprej in delila neznano zgodbo o dedku, je Matej na novo videl dedkove korenine in njegove pustolovske navdihe, ki jih prej ni poznal.En: When Zala stepped forward and shared an unknown story about their grandfather, Matej saw new roots and adventurous inspirations of his grandfather that he hadn't known before.Sl: Ta izkušnja je Mateja globoko ganila.En: This experience deeply moved Matej.Sl: Videti, kako so zgodbe povezale ljudi, mu je dalo moč.En: Seeing how stories connected people gave him strength.Sl: Ugotovil je, da si želi tudi sam ustvarjati.En: He realized he wanted to create too.Sl: V njemu je vzplamtela želja po pisanju, ki jo je pred leti opustil.En: A desire to write, which he had abandoned years ago, ignited within him.Sl: Ko so se luči ugasnile, je zima še vedno plezala po oknih.En: When the lights went out, winter was still crawling up the windows.Sl: A v Matejevem srcu je začela rasti toplina.En: But in Matej's heart, warmth began to grow.Sl: Bil je pripravljen narediti prvi, drzen korak proti pisanju.En: He was ready to take the first, bold step towards writing.Sl: ...

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