
  • S5E16 Ragnar Lodbrok VI: King Aela and the Blood Eagle
    In this episode, Shawn and David explore the aftermath of Ragnar Lodbrok’s death at the hands of King Aela of Northumbria, which initially causes a rift between his sons. While most are consumed by raw fury and seek immediate vengeance, Ivar takes a more calculating approach.Yet, despite their differences, the brothers share a common purpose—King Ælla must pay for their father’s death. As events unfold, Ivar receives the finest gift he could ask for and ensures that Ælla meets a gruesome fate through the infamous blood eagle.

    Ways to support us:If you have been enjoying our show, please write a 5 star review on itunes to help spread our podcast to a wider audience:https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/between-two-ravens-a-norse-mythology-podcast/id1604263830

    Buy Shawn a Beer or Coffee: https://ko-fi.com/tworavenpodcast

    Follow us for updates or send us a message on Instagram:
    Instagram: (@TwoRavensPodcast): https://www.instagram.com/tworavenspodcast/

    Check out David’s writing: Walled Garden (https://thewalledgarden.com/davidalexander)

    Our podcast is part of The Walled Garden Podcast Network. The Walled Garden is committed to the pursuit of Truth, Wisdom, Virtue, and the Divine, wherever it might be found. Visit thewalledgarden.com to learn more.

    This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/5910787/advertisement
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    1 時間 6 分
  • S5E15 Ragnar Lodbrok V: Ragnar and the Snake Pit

    In this episode, Shawn and David discuss chapter 15 of "The Saga of Ragnar Lodbrok". Despite his absence in the previous episode, Ragnar knows full well about the successful military campaigns of his sons. Despite his past of slaying a dragon/serpent and being a great king among men, Ragnar sees his son's exploits beginning to exceed his own.
    In what seems to be a dark age mid life crisis, Ragnar decides to go to England with only 2 ships in an effort to take the land (with the justified lack of support of his wife, Aslaug). However, seeing she cannot change his mind, Aslaug give Ragnar a hair shirt that would prevent him from taking harm on the battlefieldArmed with the hair shirt and the spear he used to slay the dragon and win over his first wife, Thora, Ragnar embarks on his journey. However, his voyage quickly takes a disastrous turn when he wrecks on the eastern shores of Northumbria.
    The hosts dive into the aftermath of Ragnar's ill-fated invasion. Did Ragnar truly believe he had a chance to conquer England, or was he already aware that his actions would set the stage for an even greater destiny—one that would elevate the legacy of his sons?

    Ways to support us:If you have been enjoying our show, please write a 5 star review on itunes to help spread our podcast to a wider audience:https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/between-two-ravens-a-norse-mythology-podcast/id1604263830

    Buy Shawn a Beer or Coffee: https://ko-fi.com/tworavenpodcast

    Follow us for updates or send us a message on Instagram:
    Instagram: (@TwoRavensPodcast): https://www.instagram.com/tworavenspodcast/

    Check out David’s writing: Walled Garden (https://thewalledgarden.com/davidalexander)

    Our podcast is part of The Walled Garden Podcast Network. The Walled Garden is committed to the pursuit of Truth, Wisdom, Virtue, and the Divine, wherever it might be found. Visit thewalledgarden.com to learn more.

    This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/5910787/advertisement
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    1 時間 9 分
  • S5E14 Ragnar Lodbrok IV: Rome (well "almost") and Back Again. A Viking's Tale by Ivar the Boneless
    In this episode, the sons of Ragnar— Ivar, Bjorn, Hvitserk, and Sigurd—along with Ragnar's wife Aslaug, invade King Eystein’s land to avenge their fallen brothers, Eirik and Agnar. Facing yet another magical cow on the battlefield, Ivar the Boneless (if his ability to live without bones didn’t make it obvious) reveals his own magical abilities in taking on the cow.
    After the invasion, the sons (this time without their mother) turn their ambitions south, raiding every land in their path with dreams of reaching Rome. However, their plans are interrupted by a familiar deity, one we've absolutely not discussed 535 times, who redirects them northward, knowing that their true destiny lies in England, not Rome.
    Shawn also goes on a rant about the limitations of dark age footwear, because apparently shoe durability is the real villain in this saga.

    Ways to support us:If you have been enjoying our show, please write a 5 star review on itunes to help spread our podcast to a wider audience:https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/between-two-ravens-a-norse-mythology-podcast/id1604263830

    Buy Shawn a Beer or Coffee: https://ko-fi.com/tworavenpodcast

    Follow us for updates or send us a message on Instagram:
    Instagram: (@TwoRavensPodcast): https://www.instagram.com/tworavenspodcast/

    Check out David’s writing: Walled Garden (https://thewalledgarden.com/davidalexander)

    Our podcast is part of The Walled Garden Podcast Network. The Walled Garden is committed to the pursuit of Truth, Wisdom, Virtue, and the Divine, wherever it might be found. Visit thewalledgarden.com to learn more.

    This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/5910787/advertisement
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    1 時間 6 分
  • S5E13 Volsung Poems: The Poems of Bynhild and Gudrun (Part 4)
    S5E13 Volsung Poems: The Poems of Brynhild and Gudrun (Part 4)

    David continues his series of not so short solo episodes, deep diving into the Poems of the Poetic Edda which inspired the Saga of the Volsungs.
    This is the story of the meeting of the hero with the beloved. The Valkyrie. I had to analyze the tragedy of Tristan and Iseult to find the archetypes which may be at play with the meeting of the hero with the beloved, and the meaning of the love triangle where the hero betrays his first love, in order to attempt to make an earthly love work. Is Sigurd "heartless" in his betrayal? Powerless to the dark agreements of others? Or does he have an acceptance of fate that is difficult for us to fathom?
    This episode explores the poems focusing on the meeting of Sigurd with his beloved and the tragedy when he finds himself with both Brynhild and Gudrun in love with him.
    Gripir's prophecy
    The "short" poem of Sigurd
    A fragment about Sigurd
    The First Poem of Gudrun
    Brynhild's Ride to Hell

    The Saga of Volsung gives a convoluted meeting of Sigurd with Brynhild. Gripir's Prophecy gives what I find to be an oversimplified version. The other poems give multiple possible meetings as we attempt to sort out what was the most likely meeting and what did the earliest authors intend to be the meeting.

    I also contrast the Norse Version of the archetypal meeting of the hero and the beloved, which is filled with Shadow, Cursed Fate, and Insecurities, with the ideal meeting from Shahname, the Persian Book of Kings.

    Writing this episode has helped me a great deal to understand a relatively coherent and tragic story of Sigurd following his fate and playing out the curse of Andvari and Fafnir's gold. And I have gained a great deal of respect and understanding for Gudrun. I hope you enjoy coming along on the journey and I will return to the poems of Gudrun and Atli in the near future.

    Ways to support us:If you have been enjoying our show, please write a 5 star review on itunes to help spread our podcast to a wider audience:https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/between-two-ravens-a-norse-mythology-podcast/id1604263830

    Buy Shawn and David a Beer or Coffee: https://ko-fi.com/tworavenpodcast

    Follow us for updates or send us a message on Instagram:
    Instagram: (@TwoRavensPodcast): https://www.instagram.com/tworavenspodcast/

    Check out David’s writing: Walled Garden (https://thewalledgarden.com/davidalexander)

    Our podcast is part of The Walled Garden Podcast Network. The Walled Garden is committed to the pursuit of Truth, Wisdom, Virtue, and the Divine, wherever it might be found. Visit thewalledgarden.com to learn more.

    This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/5910787/advertisement
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    1 時間 35 分
  • S5E12 Ragnar Lodbrok III: Aslaug's Ancestral Revelation and the "Betrayal" of King Eystein
    Shawn apologizes for his audio quality. He needed to switch to a headset last minute after already marking himself as using a speaker when he entered the recording room. He is an idiot. - Shawn

    In this episode, Shawn and David discuss chapters 9-11 of the "Saga of Ragnar Lodbrok". The duo discuss Ragnar playing politics with his vassals, specifically with a King Eystein, a man Ragnar gave much land in Sweden to run to thwart the aggression of his own sons. King Eystein's daughter, Inginbjorg, bats her eyelashes to Ragnar while he is drinking. The result is Ragnar's 4th engagement,,,, while he is already married to who he thinks is "Kraka", the farmers daughter and not "Aslaug" the daughter of Sigurd the Dragon Slayer and Brynhild the Valkyrie.

    Aslaug, with the genetics to understand the sound of birds (a trait she got from her father), was able to spy on her husband when he revealed his intention to marry another. This forces her to confront him and reveal her true identity. Where Ragnar then needs to decide whether or not to break off his new engagement.

    Oh, and there is another magical cow #freeathumla

    David is starting a new grove called "The Raven's Nest". He will have 3 meet-ups on the topic of Voulspa, the prophecy of the seeress. We will be analyzing stanzas from the poem and have time for listeners to discuss with us at the end:
    November 10th, 2024
    November 24th, 2024
    December 8th, 2024

    For more information and register for the event: https://thewalledgarden.com/the-ravens-nest/

    And follow us on instagram for updates: @TwoRavensPodcast https://www.instagram.com/tworavenspodcast/

    Ways to support us:If you have been enjoying our show, please write a 5 star review on itunes to help spread our podcast to a wider audience:https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/between-two-ravens-a-norse-mythology-podcast/id1604263830

    Buy Shawn a Beer or Coffee: https://ko-fi.com/tworavenpodcast

    Follow us for updates or send us a message on Instagram:
    Instagram: (@TwoRavensPodcast): https://www.instagram.com/tworavenspodcast/

    Check out David’s writing: Walled Garden (https://thewalledgarden.com/davidalexander)

    Our podcast is part of The Walled Garden Podcast Network. The Walled Garden is committed to the pursuit of Truth, Wisdom, Virtue, and the Divine, wherever it might be found. Visit thewalledgarden.com to learn more.

    This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/5910787/advertisement
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    1 時間 14 分
  • S5E11 Why Study Norse Mythology and Archetypes of the Unconscious?
    This is a short episode where David talks about why a person might want to study Norse Mythology, Poetry, and Archetypes. My hope is that this episode would be a good introduction for anyone who is not already following Shawn and I on our 2 year journey of exploring the myths of the Norse Gods and the hero Sagas of the Volsung family and Ragnar Lothbrook.

    My takeaway is that archetypes help us find meaning in life. Accept fate and things in life that are difficult to accept. These are things which go beyond my work as a psychotherapist and expand into the Jungian psychology ideas of spiritual healing and soul work.

    If you are interested in understanding the study of Archetypes, soul work, poetry, and philosophy, we have discussions like these at The Walled Garden.

    I am starting a new grove called "The Raven's Nest", where I will have 3 meet-ups on the topic of Voulspa, the prophecy of the seeress. We will be analyzing stanzas from the poem and have time for listeners to discuss with us at the end:
    November 10th, 2024
    November 24th, 2024
    December 8th, 2024

    For more information and register for the event: https://thewalledgarden.com/the-ravens-nest/

    And follow us on instagram for updates: @TwoRavensPodcast https://www.instagram.com/tworavenspodcast/

    Ways to support us:If you have been enjoying our show, please write a 5 star review on itunes to help spread our podcast to a wider audience:https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/between-two-ravens-a-norse-mythology-podcast/id1604263830

    Buy Shawn a Beer or Coffee: https://ko-fi.com/tworavenpodcast

    Follow us for updates or send us a message on Instagram:
    Instagram: (@TwoRavensPodcast): https://www.instagram.com/tworavenspodcast/

    Check out David’s writing: Walled Garden (https://thewalledgarden.com/davidalexander)

    Our podcast is part of The Walled Garden Podcast Network. The Walled Garden is committed to the pursuit of Truth, Wisdom, Virtue, and the Divine, wherever it might be found. Visit thewalledgarden.com to learn more.

    This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/5910787/advertisement
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    12 分
  • S5E10 Ragnar Lodbrok II: The Farmer's Daughter and the Birth of Ivar the Boneless
    In this episode, Shawn and David discuss chapters 5-8 of "The Saga of Ragnar Lodbrok", which details a now adult Aslaug (still disguised as "Kraka", the daughter of a farmer) distracting the eyes of the men of Ragnar, then Ragnar himself.

    They further go into their marriage and the birth of a few of their sons, including Ivar the Boneless, Bjorn, Hvitserk, and Rognvald.

    The sons, ever aspiring to live up to their father's name, decide to go on a daring military campaign to generate weath and fame. Unfortunately for them, they need to go against 2 cows whose moos have the ability to generate mass fear agains their enemies. Can the brothers, led by Ivar, succeed?

    Shawn also introduces a new source called "The Tale of Ragnar's Sons", which can be found free online below (its a short read so If you have a few minutes I would fo sho take a glance.

    "The Tale of Ragnar's Sons"

    Ways to support us:If you have been enjoying our show, please write a 5 star review on itunes to help spread our podcast to a wider audience:https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/between-two-ravens-a-norse-mythology-podcast/id1604263830

    Buy Shawn a Beer or Coffee: https://ko-fi.com/tworavenpodcast

    Follow us or leave a message on Instagram:Instagram: (@BetweenTwoRavens): https://www.instagram.com/betweentworavens/

    Check out David’s writing: Prosoche Project (www.prosocheproject.com).Walled Garden (https://thewalledgarden.com/davidalexander)

    Our podcast is part of The Walled Garden Podcast Network. The Walled Garden is committed to the pursuit of Truth, Wisdom, Virtue, and the Divine, wherever it might be found. Visit thewalledgarden.com to learn more.

    This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/5910787/advertisement
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    1 時間 3 分
  • S5E9 Tristan and Iseult: The Myth of Romantic Love (Solo Episode)
    S5E9 - Tristant and Iseult: The Myth of Romantic Love.

    David presents a story that is a long time in the works. It is the story of Tristan and Iseult. The first European Romance story. It is a story I needed to explain to connect the Saga of Sigurd and the Dragon, with the love triangle drama of Sigurd, Brunhilde, and Gudrun.

    This episode combines interpretations from Jungian authors Robert Johnson, Robert Moore, Jean Shinoda Bolen, and my original thoughts on what we can learn from the meeting of the hero with the feminine. It helps explain where the hero as the Lover archetype goes wrong, why he cannot become a complete Warrior or King, and how dark agreements and resentment destroy love and our selves.

    I particularly want to give credit to Robert Johnson's book "We: The Psychology of Romantic Love" for his theory on the difference between "In Love" as a projection and "Love", the force which invigorates the universe. He used the Myth of Tristan and Iseult as a way to see the harm caused by these unhealthy projections. I believe it is my original idea to see the connection between Iseult the Fair and Gudrun, as a possible theory for how the meeting of the hero with the feminine goes wrong and what would be needed for a healthy union.

    I also bring in some of my thoughts on what Stoicism can tell us about healthy love and what Stoicism can learn from mythology about the appropriate role of romance and love.

    Please follow us on Instagram (@BetweenTwoRavens) if you want to hear about current projects we are working on and I hope to have plans for an online meet-up with fans to discuss Old Norse Poems in the coming months.

    Ways to support us:If you have been enjoying our show, please write a 5 star review on itunes to help spread our podcast to a wider audience:https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/between-two-ravens-a-norse-mythology-podcast/id1604263830

    Buy Shawn a Beer or Coffee: https://ko-fi.com/tworavenpodcast

    Follow us or leave a message on Instagram:Instagram: (@BetweenTwoRavens): https://www.instagram.com/betweentworavens/

    Check out David’s writing: Prosoche Project (www.prosocheproject.com).Walled Garden (https://thewalledgarden.com/davidalexander)

    Our podcast is part of The Walled Garden Podcast Network. The Walled Garden is committed to the pursuit of Truth, Wisdom, Virtue, and the Divine, wherever it might be found. Visit thewalledgarden.com to learn more.

    This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/5910787/advertisement
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    52 分