In this episode of Remarkably Ordinary Conversations with Dwight and Denise, artist and
inventor, Robert Coghlan, reveals how his childhood loss of sight paved the way to his lifelong
vision. Robert exposes the intersectionality between trauma and triumph. At a very early age,
starved for the light of sight, Robert recounts how regaining his vision catapulted him into a deep
appreciation for colors, shades, shapes and textures, admittedly, the birth of the artist. For Robert
Coghlan the creative, his artistic work is not confined to canvas, pastels and oils. He has
extended his reach into the world of inventions. Fueled by his sensitivity to human injustice and
the responsibility to craft a better world, Robert embarked on an inventive journey to moderate
the ills of man’s inhumanity to man. As a consequence, he brought to life LAMP, the Local
Authority Mobile Platform, a socially responsive invention to moderating human-to-human
encounters with law enforcement, first responders and other local authorities. Robert reminds us
that those who bend toward the side of justice must do the work required.