Dave meets Bill Biamonte from Sulfcrete - green sulfur concrete as an alternative to standard Portland cement. Bill shares his 7 year process to start the company, achieve some milestones and what lies ahead to arrive at his desired outcome to commercialize this green and sustainable new concrete product. http://www.sulcrete.com/?fbclid=IwAR1wsaae8rwa9c-VJNCs4mQwZAzHveMGczxrG47f6hpTlqBsULhK2E3jKkk (www.sulcrete.com) This episode was originally published on Facebook on 10 Sep 2020 https://www.facebook.com/212830796818739/videos/3198061456913909 (https://www.facebook.com/212830796818739/videos/3198061456913909)