Bishop Andrew Cozzens, bishop of the Diocese of Crookston, MN and Chairman of the National Eucharistic Revival, desires for all the Catholic faithful to know and understand the power of the Eucharist. He, and other United States bishops, are getting ready for the National Eucharistic Revival and it's three-year process of deepening our union to the true presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist.
Bishop Cozzens sits down for a conversation with Dr. Richard Ludwick, president of University of St. Thomas-Houston, at the 12th Annual Napa Institute Conference in Napa Valley California. They discuss the National Eucharistic Revival, why the bishops are enthusiastic for it and the need for a more profound understanding of the Eucharist and Mass in our church today.
National Eucharistic Revival
Bishop Andrew Cozzens
The Napa Institute