Working nights at a club, a young woman grapples with eerie deja vu whenever a massive black dog appears. Whispers of "Black Shuck" swirl around, fueled by her boss's conviction. Is it folklore, or something more tangible?
🔥 Welcome to THE WEIRD LIBRARY, featuring stories by some of today's most chilling voices in horror! And remember, if you can: Listen in the Dark.
💥 Story: Emma J. Gibbon
💥 Narration and music: Bridgette Brenmark
💥 Host: Mike Davis
🏆 This story appears in the book DARK BLOOD COMES FROM THE FEET, by Emma J. Gibbon. It was one of NPR's best books of 2020!
📚 Read it here: https://www.amazon.com/Dark-Blood-Comes-Feet-Gibbon-ebook/dp/B08CHHWGLL/
🎶 Check out more music and art by Bridgette Brenmark: https://www.bridgette-brenmark.com/about
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