What happens when you get two guys who like Cigars, Whiskey, and Jesus hanging out together? Tune in and find out.
Smoking: Nica Libre 1990, and San Cristobal Revelation
Drinking: Laphroaig
Timeline of the episode.
0:00:17 - Welcome
0:01:12 - (Cigar) What are we smoking
0:05:38 - (Whiskey) What are we drinking
0:07:08 - (Personal) Hotel stories
0:17:40 - (Cigar)Check in on Cigar
0:19:32 - (Jesus) Judging
0:39:50 - (Jesus) Divorce
0:53:58 - (Cigar) Lighting up another
0:56:48 - (Personal) Hanging out
1:02:05 - (Cigar) Check in
1:08:24 - (Personal) Hanging out
1:11:25 - (Cigar) Check in
1:14:32 - (Jesus) Seeing God in everything
1:15:51 - (Jesus) Being vs Doing
1:23:46 - (Jesus) Be still
1:28:50 - (Jesus) Relationship
1:35:30 - (Jesus) We can't even imagine
1:39:07 - (Jesus) Father and King
2:01:36 - (Cigar) Check in
2:03:40 - Getting ready to pray
2:04:16 - Prayer
#cigarswhiskeyandjesus #cigars #stogie #whiskey #jesus #conversations #God #Christain #spiritual #holyspirit #Nicalibre1990 #sancristobal #sancristoalrevelation #laphroaig #scotch #hangingout #divorce #relationship #judging